翻译原文:Web pages can be accessed through the Internet because the Web browser software operating your PC can request Web pages stored on an Internet host server using the HTTP protocol. Hypertext is a way of formatting pages with embedded links that connect documents to one another, and that also link pages to other objects such as sound, video, or animation files. When you click on a graphic and a video clip plays, you have clicked on a hyperlink.翻译答案:因为操作个人计算机的网络浏览器软件能使用HTTP协议对储存在因特网主机服务器上的一个网页发出请求,所以能通过因特网访问万维网网页。超文本是使用嵌入式链接形成格式化网页的一种方法,这些链接将文档彼此联结,而且将网页链接到其他对象如声音、视频或动画文件。当你点击一个图形和一个视频剪辑播放按钮的时候,你在点击一个超链接。
读完一本书翻译原文:Ornery kites dive-bomb out of spite. They never get exhausted because they won't stay up long enough to poop out. Thirty feet up they just sort
of smirk at you and crash for the fun of it.So Champ and I ran up to Collier Street, and after scouting out the road, Champ started barking at the sycamore tree. I looked up and spotted it, too, flashing blue and yellow through the branches.
It was a long ways up, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I shinnied up the trunk, took a shortcut across the slide, and started climbing. Champ kept a
good eye on me, barking me along, and soon I was higher than I'd ever been. But still the kite seemed forever away. Then below me I noticed Bryce coming around the corner and through the vacant lot. And I
could tell from the way he was looking up that this was his kite.
The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.
要说你该跟谁互不相欠的话,那只该是帮助过你的人。 (刮刮乐,挂出大奖)
{:7_113:} 本帖最后由 kant1943 于 2018-1-5 21:26 编辑
Web pages can be accessed through the Internet because the Web browser software operating your PC can request Web pages stored on an Internet host server using the HTTP protocol. Hypertext(n. [计] 超文本(含有指向其它文本文件链接的文本)) is a way of formatting pages with embedded(vt. 栽种;使嵌入,使插入;使深留脑中) links that connect documents to one another, and that also link pages to other objects such as sound, video, or animation(n. 活泼,生气;激励;卡通片绘制) files. When you click on a graphic (adj. 形象的;图表的;绘画似的)and a video clip(视频剪辑;视讯片段) plays, you have clicked on a hyperlink(n. 超链接).
Ornery(adj. 坏脾气的;低劣的) kites(n. 风筝) dive-bomb(v. 俯冲轰炸) out of spite(出于恶意;为泄恨). They never get exhausted because they won't stay up long enough to poop out(丧失功能,丧失活力(使)筋疲力尽,(使)疲乏). Thirty feet up they just sort of smirk(n. 傻笑;假笑;得意的笑)at you and crash(vi. 摔碎;坠落;发出隆隆声;(金融企业等)破产) for the fun of it.So Champ and I ran up to Collier Street, and after scouting(vi. 侦察;巡视;嘲笑) out the road, Champ started barking(vt. 狗叫;尖叫;剥皮)at the sycamore(n. 美国梧桐;西克莫无花果树;假挪威槭)tree. I looked up and spotted(vt. 认出;弄脏;用灯光照射,vi. 沾上污渍;满是斑点)it, too, flashing blue and yellow through the branches.
It was a long ways up, but I thought I'd give it a shot(试试). I shinnied up(爬上) the trunk(n. 树干;躯干;象鼻;汽车车尾的行李箱), took a shortcut(n. 捷径;被切短的东西) across the slide, and started climbing. Champ kept a good eye on me, barking me along, and soon I was higher than I'd ever been. But still the kite seemed forever away. Then below me I noticed Bryce coming around the corner and through the vacant lot(空地). And I could tell from the way he was looking up that this was his kite.
http 在每一个网页地址的开始是一套字母,紧跟着的是域名,域名就是特指占据文件的组织者服务器电脑,大多数公司都有和公司名一样或者相似的域名,直接的路径和文件名在网页地址有两种信息,用来帮助浏览器追踪到请求的网页,总之,地址被称为统一资源定位器,或者URL,当键入浏览器时,URL会自动确定去哪寻找信息。
多幸运,这只风筝被证明是幸运的,他仰着头问道我,“你能爬那么高啊?”,我回答道,当然,我一直向上爬,这些树枝太强壮了,只有在正确的树叉口才会爬的块,我越爬的高,我就越被这景象所惊艳,我从未见过这样的,这如同在一架飞机上,在屋顶,树,世界之上。之后我往下看去,我已经离地面已经很远了,Bryce喊道, 你能勾到他?我调整呼吸回应道,没问题,之后强迫自己注意看蓝黄条纹相间的风筝,我向上爬的时候注意他,也只有他, 最后我勾到了风筝,我抓住他,把风筝抓在自己的手里。 HTTP是每一个网址开始的第一个字符集,紧跟着是域名。域名是一个标识了一个存储文档的服务器。大多数公司有一个域名,它与公司名字相同或相似。目录路径和文档名称是两个在网页地址中额外的信息来帮助浏览器跟踪请求的页面。一致地,地址被称为统一资源定位器,或URL。当它被敲入浏览器时,一个URL告诉浏览器具体到哪里去寻找信息。 HTTP是最开头的一串字母在每一个万维网地址,然后跟着域名。
The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.