破渔网兜兜 发表于 2018-6-29 08:59:39


翻译答案:Jackie put the phone down. She took a cigarette from her bag and began to smoke. She felt angry because her sister always asked for money. Diane was twenty years old, the youngest in the family. She lived in London, in one room of a big house. She wanted to be a singer. She sang very well but she could never get work. Jackie went back into the kitchen and began to make some sandwiches. Just then the back door opened, and her mother came in.
读完一本书原文:You didn't hang yourself coming into the world, but it could very easily have gone the other way.”
If I'd been told years or even weeks ago that I'd come down the chute noosed and ready to hang, I'd have made some kind of joke about it, or
more likely I'd have said, Yeah, that's nice; now can you spare me the discussion?
But after everything that had happened, I was really freaking out, and I couldn't escape the questions tidal-waving my brain. Where would I be if
things had been different? What would they have done with me? From the way my dad was talking, he wouldn't have had much use for me, that's for
sure. He'd have stuck me in a nuthouse somewhere, any where, and forgotten about me. But then I thought, No! I'm his kid. He wouldn't do that …
would he?
I looked around at everything we had — the big house, the white carpet, the antiques and artwork and stuff that was everywhere.



The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the style of furniture..(刮刮乐,挂出大奖)

zlj19931010 发表于 2018-6-29 11:17:05

本帖最后由 zlj19931010 于 2018-6-29 11:21 编辑

'what is a hot day!'Molly said,She took off her hat and put it on the table.
she was a tall,dark-skinned woman with a pair of beautiful eye.
two big black dog followed her into kitchen and circled around her.
she sat down and put her hands on their heads.
Jackie put the sandwich on the table. 'mom,' she said, 'Diana called me and asked money for train ticket.'
Molly closed eyes for a moment,then stood up.'i wish you to tidied up house for weekend afternoon'
she said. 'well, afterwards please buy me some medicine'


The curtain of this room is incongruous with the style of furnitures.

JessiFly 发表于 2018-6-29 11:35:14

"It's too hot!"Molly said,and she took off her hat and put it on the table.She was a tall,light black woman with beautiful eyes.Two big black dogs followed her into the kitchen around her.She sat down and put her hands on their heads.
Jackie put the sandwich on the table."Mom,"she said,"Diana gave a call,she wanted the money to buy the train ticket."
Molly closed her eyes for a minute,then stood up."The afternoon I wanted you to clean up the house to prepare for the weekend,"She said."Oh,then go to the village to buy some pills for me."


The style of the curtain is not coordinated with the furniture in the room.
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