破渔网兜兜 发表于 2018-8-23 08:47:51


翻译答案:'She died last night or early this morning. What did you do last night?'
'Me? Why are you asking me? I went there to meet Mr Clarkson Roger. I'm losing money on this farm and I need more land. I want half Mrs Clarkson's garden.'
'You went into the kitchen. What did you do next? Can you remember?'
Tom Briggs looked at Sergeant Foster and then back at Inspector Walsh. 'I remember it very well.
All the family were in the kitchen. Peter Hobbs was there, too. I talked to Roger. He wants his mother to sell the house. But he wants the land. He doesn't want me to have it. But now Mrs Clarkson is dead.
What's going to happen now?'
Inspector Walsh got up and took the picture of the girl from the table. 'Who's this?'
Tom's face went red. 'Who? Oh! That's a friend.
It's not…It was a long time ago.'
The rest of the evening I bounced back and forth between upset and uneasy. The worst part being, I couldn't really put my finger on what exactly I was upset or uneasy about. Of course it was Bryce, but why wasn't I just mad? He'd been such a … scoundrel. Or happy? Why wasn't I just happy?
He'd come over to our house. He'd stood on our driveway. He'd said nice things. We'd laughed.
But I wasn't mad or happy. And as I lay in bed trying to read, I realized that upset had been overshadowed by uneasy. I felt as though someone was watching me. I got so spooked I even got up and checked out the window and in the closet and under the bed, but still the feeling didn't go away.
It took me until nearly midnight to understand what it was.
It was me. Watching me.


Win or lose, do it fairly.

JessiFly 发表于 2018-8-23 10:51:40

They two went across the garden and back to Clarkson's house. The garden was beautiful, green and quiet. Inspector Walsh felt tired and hungry. Who killed Molly? He knew the answer now, but he needed to ask one or two more questions.
"Let's go, Sergeant," he said, and wore his hat.
"Tomorrow is another day."

On Monday morning, Sergeant Foster went to Roger's office, and asked some questions, then he went to Albert's house, and asked some other questions. Inspector Walsh sat in the office and waited for a call. He gave a call to Peter Hobbs, and a call to Tom Briggs. And he had some coffee and sanwiches.
At three o'clock, the two detectives drove a car to Clarkson's house.
"I want to see everyone," he told Roger.
Everyone came into the hall and sat down.



zlj19931010 发表于 2018-8-23 17:05:59

本帖最后由 zlj19931010 于 2018-8-23 17:10 编辑

two man went through back Clarkson's home.the garden was Beautiful green and quiet.
Inspector Walsh felt tired and hungry.who kill Molly?now he knew the answer,but he needed to ask one or two questions.
'let's go,police,'he said and then put on the hat.
'tomorrow will be a new day.'
Monday morning,Sergeant foster went to Roger's office,asking some questions.then he went to Albert's home to ask some other questions.
Inspector Walsh was calling as sitting in the office.he called Pete hodges,then called Tom briggs.
aftet that,he asked for some Coffee and sandwiches.
3pm,two detective drove to Clarkson.'i want to see everyone,'he told Roger.
everyone came into living room and sat down.


Win or lose, do it fairly.

zxz-python 发表于 2018-8-23 19:32:30

The two walked back to Clarkson's home through the garden. The garden is beautiful, green and quiet. Detective Walsh felt tired and hungry. Who killed Molly? He has known the answer now, but he needs to ask one or two more questions.
“Let’s go, officer.” He said, and taken the hat.
“Tomorrow is new day.”
On Monday morning, the officer Forster went to Roger’s office, asking some questions. Then he went to Albert’s home, asking some another question. Detective Walsh had a call in office. He had the call to find Peter Hoofs, and then gave the call for Tom Briggs, and then he bought some coffee and sandwich.
At 3 o'clock, the two detectives drove the car to Clarkson's home.
“I want to see everyone,” he told Roger.
All walked into parlor and sat down.


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