破渔网兜兜 发表于 2018-11-27 08:49:04


翻译答案:"Sara Crewe has no money," said the laywer. "Not a penny in the world, Miss Minchin. Not a penny."
"She must leave my school at once, " Miss Minchin said angrily. "She must go this afternoon!"
"Where?" said the lawyer. "Out into the streets? An eleven-year-old girl? That's not going to look very good for your school, Miss Minchin."
Miss Minchin's face went red.
"You can't put her out in the streets," said the lawyer. He stood up. "But perhaps she can work for you."
The lawyer left, and Miss Minchin called her sister Amelia. "Bring Sara Crewe here at once," she said.
读完一本书原文:Matt and Mike look up at the speakers, then grin at each other and call over to my dad, “Surround sound — awesome setup, Mr. Loski!”
All the adults were dying to jump up and turn the thing down, but Lynetta stood guard and just glowered at them. And when the song's over, Lynetta pulls out the CD, punches off the player, and then smiles — actually smiles — at Matt and Mike and says, “That is the raddest song. I want to hear it again and again and again.”
Matt-or-Mike says to my dad, “You probably don't like it, but it's what we do.”
“You boys wrote that song?”
He motions Lynetta to pass the CD over, saying, “Just the one song?”
Matt-or-Mike laughs and says, “Dude, we've got a thousand songs, but there's only three on the demo.”
Dad holds up the CD. “This is the demo?”


Guard well your thoughts when alone and your words when accompanied.

zlj19931010 发表于 2018-11-27 14:33:06

two minutes later,Sarah came to the front of Miss minchin in beautiful blue full dress.
'do you have black clothes,Sarah?'Miss minchin asked coldly.
"yes.Miss minchin"Sarah said.'but it is very small.'
'dress up it right now.'Miss minchin said.
'your father has died,there wasn't any diamond mine.your father's friend run away with all of his money.
you have nothing.but i do not want to treat unfairly with you.so you can stay here,
but from now on,you are a servant,you have to work to feed yourself.
you can live in the room of servant,just near by the room of becky'


Guard well your thoughts when alone and your words when accompanied.

JessiFly 发表于 2018-11-27 20:46:39

Two minutes later, Sara was in beautiful dress and came to Miss Minchin.
"Do you have black dress, Sara?" Miss Minchin said coldly.
"Yes, Miss Minchin," Sara answered. "but it's too small."
"Put it on," Miss Minchin said, "Your father was dead. There is no diamond mine, your father's friend took his money and ran away. You have nothing, no dollar. But I want to be kind to you. You can live in here, but you are a servant now, you have to work for your life. You can live in the servant's rooms upstairs, just near Beckey's room."

JessiFly 发表于 2018-11-27 21:12:38


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