哪位玩过bochs,我用的是ubuntu 11.10版本的。首先要做的是安装开发环境。下载VMware,Ubuntu并安装。然后下载bochs的源代码,编译安装,编译bochs需要安装几个依赖包。依赖包包括:build-essential,xorg-dev,pkg-config,gtk2.0编译JOS。编译完之后,修改bochs的配置文件(具体两处),使JOS在bochs中启动。具体步骤如下:Firstwe need to install the development environment.1.installvmware 7.1 in windows then create the virtual machine forlinux(ubuntu)
2.installubuntu 10.4 in the virtual machine
3.setthe chinese education network update source in ubuntu 10.4 (设置教育网的linux更新源,不然以现在的网速更新实在令人受不了) Howto set it? google!
4.installbuild-essential:usingthe ubuntu software center to install the "build-essential".You can type build-essential in the software center search bar,theninstall the build-essential. Because of my computer is so slowly toopen the software center,so i use apt-get to install it.thecommand is : sudo apt-get install build-essential
5.installxorg-devthecommand is :sudo apt-get install xorg-dev
6.installpkg-configthecommand is :sudo apt-get install pkg-config
7.installgtk 2.0thecommand is :sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
8.Downloadthe bochs from our teacher's website.Then extract it to yourfavourite folder.
9.Compilethe bochsGoto the folder that you place the bochs thenTypecommand: ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-disasm --enable-debuggerIwill install bochs in usr.if install in other folder,you may have toset the enviromnent.Typecommand: makewait.......Typecommand: sudo make install
10.Compilethe JOSDownloadthe lab1.tar.gz from our teacher's websiteExtractthem.Ifyou want to use gmake type command:ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmakeIfyou use make then you have no need to do the step aboveGoto the folder lab1typecommand: make ortype : gmake就是第10步出现问题:yangzijian@ubuntu:~/Workspace1/lab1.1$ gmake
+ as kern/entry.S
+ cc kern/init.c
+ cc kern/console.c
+ cc kern/monitor.c
+ cc kern/printf.c
+ cc lib/printfmt.c
+ cc lib/readline.c
+ cc lib/string.c
+ ld obj/kern/kernel
+ as boot/boot.S
+ cc -Os boot/main.c
+ ld boot/boot
boot block too large: 600 bytes (max 510)//启动块超过510byte了哪位遇到过这样的情况啊。如何解决!!!
怎么不给力啊!!!人呢 知道这个东西,不过没用过,建议直接私信给那个“某人”或者黑夜可能问题解决的更快一些。{:2_27:} 狼之舞蹈 发表于 2011-12-31 14:03 static/image/common/back.gif
谢拉。果断不搞了,都要考试啦!这是MIT开源教程 什么东东~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 不知道你这个是教程还是求助...
如果是最后那个问题的话,估计是链接选项没设置好 只是什么? {:5_107:}bochs貌似是用来模拟linux的虚拟机吧、、、、 哈哈哈哈哈{:5_108:} really?? bochs好难,很久以前配置过,不过好像没成功!但是,bochs虚拟机很强大,效率高! 只是玩过windows下的BOCHS Linux下的不会配置 居然还不中奖。。 居然还不中奖。。 居然还不中奖。。 居然还不中奖。。 赞鱼币,, VMware 是啥 菜鸟真心小学L系统啊,,,,0基础,,, 哪有下载的???