bobpanda 发表于 2018-12-26 11:23:40


/*This is an implementation of a senior data structure called treap.
Treap is a binary search tree,so treap has all features of a binary search tree. The difference is that each node of treap has a random weight,so that treap also owns some heap features in terms of the random weight.
The random weight guarantees that the whole tree is almost balance, and prevents the tree from degenerating to linear structures. */
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

struct mynode
mynode *ch;    //ch means left child, and ch means right child.
int randweight;
int value;
int size;
int cmp(int x) const
    if (x==value) return 0;
    return x<value?0:1;


mynode *tree=NULL;

/*the core part of treap,rotate. This function does a rotate operation like
AVL tree in order to maintain the balance of the tree. Many blogs on the internetuse two functions "zig" and "zag" to do the operation.However, using a simple variable "decision" could decide which side to rotate, combining two functions to one.Besides, "decision^1" means "1-decision." */
void rotate(mynode *&tree,int decision)
mynode *k = tree->ch;
tree->ch = k->ch;
k->ch = tree;
tree = k;

/*insert a certain number x.*/
void insert(mynode *&tree,int x)
if (tree==NULL)
      tree=new mynode();
      int decision = (x < tree->value ? 0 : 1);/*decide which side to insert,left,or right?*/
      if(tree->ch->randweight > tree->randweight)


/*show the treap in mid order. Obviously the sequence is in a sorted order.*/

void showtree(mynode *tree)
if (tree == NULL)
cout << tree->value << endl;

/*judge whether a certain number x is in the treap or not.
If x is in the treap,return 1.Otherwise,return 0.*/
int search (mynode *tree,int x)
if (tree==NULL)
    return 0;
if (tree->value==x)return 1;
if (tree->value > x)
    return search(tree->ch,x);
    return search(tree->ch,x);

/*find the pointer of a certain number x,if x is not in the treap,return NULL*/
mynode* BinaryTreeSearch(mynode* tree, int value)
if(tree->value == value)
      return tree;
else if(tree->value > value)
      if(tree->ch != NULL)
          returnBinaryTreeSearch(tree->ch, value);
      return NULL;
    if(tree->ch != NULL)
      returnBinaryTreeSearch(tree->ch, value);
      return NULL;

int main()
int n,m;
cin >> n;
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
      cin >> m;



return 0;
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