破渔网兜兜 发表于 2019-1-17 08:41:25


翻译答案:The Indian gentleman smiled at her. "We were sorry for you," he said. "Ram Dass can move very quietly, and he carried the things across the roof when you were out. I couldn't find Ralph's daughter, but I wanted to help somebody. And then Ram Dass told me about this sad, lonely little servant-girl in the attic next door."
And so the story ended happily for everybody--but not for Miss Minchin. Sara was very rich now, and Miss Minchin wanted her to come back to the school. She came to see Mr Carrisford, but he said some very angry things to her, and she went away with a red face.
读完一本书原文:I was basket boy number nine. Which meant I had to stand there on the stage in the gym while nearly half the guys got auctioned off. Minimum bid, ten bucks. And if nobody bid, the secret was a teacher was assigned to bid on you.
Yes, my friend, the possibilities for mortification were infinite.
Some of the moms showed up and stood off to the side with their camcorders and zoom lenses, fidgeting and waving and basically acting as dweeby as their sons looked. I should know. My mom took an hour off work to be one of
Tim Pello was basket boy number five, and his mom actually bid on him. No kidding. She jumped up and down, yelling, “Twenty! I'll give you twenty!” Man, that'll brand you for life. Lucky for Tim, Kelly Trott came up with twenty-two fifty
and saved his sorry self from everlasting torture as a mama's boy — one of the few fates worse than basket boy.


You can't sweep other people off their feet, if you can't be swept off your own.

JessiFly 发表于 2019-1-17 12:56:12

Becky moved to Mr Carrisford's house and lived there. She was very happy with being Sara's girl servant. She had a warm room, beautiful clothes, and many delicous things everyday. She liked Sara very much. Ermangarde often came and see Sara, Sara began to help with her study again. Ermangarde was not such clever, but she was a real friend. The first day of going to Indian gentleman's house, Sara wrote a letter to her, Ermangarde brought the letter to the school.
"There really are diamond minerals," she told Lavinia and other girls, "really! There are lots of diamonds in the diamond minerals, the half belong to Sara. The diamonds are always hers, though when she lived in the attric, when she was cold and hungry. She was a princess, now she is, too!"



zlj19931010 发表于 2019-1-20 13:31:20

本帖最后由 zlj19931010 于 2019-1-20 13:49 编辑

backy also moved to the house where Mr. Carlisford lived in.
She bacame Sara's maid,feeling very happy.
She had a warm room,nice clothes,and a lots of foot to eat.
She loved Sara very much.Ermangarde always come to see Sara,Sara begain to help her study.
Although Ermangarde was not so clever,but she was a real friend.the first day to The Indian gentleman,
Sara wrote to her.Ermangarde took the letter to school.
'it is true that there is a diamond mine'she said to ravinia and other girls.'it's true!there are Countless diamonds
in the diamond mine,and half of it belong to sara.that is always her,wherever does she live,cold and hungry.
she was a princess,and now is so!'

Caleb Hughes是下一个,然后他被竞价11.50元。
接着是Chad Ormonde,这个人我发誓,当McClure叫他走上前的时候他已经快要尿裤子了。
在这个时候,在我前面的是Jon Trulock,我对他篮子里面有什么一点都不感兴趣,还有他的兴趣和最喜欢的运动。
“来吧,到这里!这午餐很美味。草莓馅饼,额......”McClure夫人继续读Jon Trulock的午餐。

You can't sweep other people off their feet, if you can't be swept off your own.
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