破渔网兜兜 发表于 2019-1-21 08:54:26


翻译原文:How'd he get voted basket boy if nobody wanted to have lunch with him?
Then off to the right of the crowd I hear, “Ten!”
“Ten? Did I hear ten?” Mrs. McClure says with a fluttery smile.
“Twelve!” came a different voice from the same area.
The first voice came back with “Fifteen!” and all of a sudden I recognized whose voice it was.
Juli Baker's.
I searched through the crowd and found her, hand waving in the air, that look all over her face.
“Sixteen!” came the other voice.
There was a pause, but then Juli shoots back with “Eighteen!”
“Eighteen!” cries Mrs. McClure, who looks like she's about to collapse from relief. She pauses, then says, “Eighteen going once … Eighteen going twice … Sold! for eighteen dollars.”



Do you know that there's still a chance for you? 'Cause there's a spark in you.

JessiFly 发表于 2019-1-21 12:36:18

本帖最后由 JessiFly 于 2019-1-21 12:37 编辑

In the dressing room
Sir Anthony Evans concert. The title: Liszt. The banners were hanged at the door of the theater, every word was one meter high away. There was a huge portrait that Sir Anthony played a piano on the wall. There was a long queue outside the ticket office. It was Sir Anthony's concert in his eighty birthday, everyone wanted a ticket. I was a newspaper reporter, so I got a reporter ticket. I wanted to interview the famous pianist before the concert. I showed my ticket to the guard, then I went into the theater, and walked into the dressing room upstairs.
As I went upstairs, I thought about the famous pianist. I was a little afraid, my lips was dry, my hands shaked.
I came to the door outside of the dressing room.
There was a very big golden star on the door.



zlj19931010 发表于 2019-1-21 15:55:59

1.In the dressing room.
The Jazz concert of Anthony Evans.Chapter:Liszt.
banners were hanging over the gate of theater,each word was as high as one meter.
There was a huge painting of Anthony Evans hanged on the wall.
hundreds of people were queuing up.
this is the concert of Anthony's Eightieth birthday.everyone wanted to get the ticket.
bacause i was a journalist,so i got a special ticket for journalists.
i was going to interview this famous pianist before the concert starts.
i took out ticket to doorman,then entered the theater,going upstairs to the dressing room.
i went upstairs while thinking about this famous pianist.
i felt a little scared,my mouth was dry,my hands was shaking.
i came to the dressing room and stood at the door of the room.
there was a big golden star on the door.

Mike Abenido推了我一把然后说“该你去受折磨了。去吧。”
我就只是站在那里出汗。她刚刚读完,Shelly Stalls就喊了出来“十!”

Do you know that there's still a chance for you? 'Cause there's a spark in you.

避孕套特大号 发表于 2019-1-21 23:15:02

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