本帖最后由 这是她 于 2020-4-22 21:11 编辑When everything seems to be going against you,remember that the airplane takes off against the wind,not with it.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
int bus;//可以在外面先定义变量
int track,trolley = 10,coach = 20;
string station;
for (int bus = 0; bus < 10; bus++)//看这里,也可以在for循环这里定义变量;当条件不满足第二个表达式的时候结束循环;更新用于测试的值。
cout << "Look" << endl;
cout << "The quantity of bus is : " << bus << endl;
int i = for (int a = 10; a < 0; a--)
cout << a;//一定要注意一下不能把for循环赋值给变量
cout << "Please enter the track : " << endl;
cin >> track;
for (int railway = 2; railway < 20 ; railway += track)
cout << railway << endl;//track是步长,按照步长来进行循环计数的增减
cout << "Enter a station :";
cin >> station;
for (int b = station.size()-1;b >= 0;b--)//使用for循环访问字符串
cout << station;
cout << "\nBye.\n";
int taxi =
for(int x=0;x < 4;x++)
for(int y = 0;y < 5;y++)
cout << taxi << "\t";
cout << endl;
while(trolley > 5)//while循环:若表达式为0或false时,跳出循环 ——先判断在执行
cout << "The quantity of trolley is : " << trolley << endl;
trolley -= 1;
cout << coach << endl;
coach += 2;
}while(coach < 32);
return 0;
“int i = for (int a = 10; a < 0; a--)”这句用的少些,谢谢分享code。 SugarCane88 发表于 2020-4-23 11:49
“int i = for (int a = 10; a < 0; a--)”这句用的少些,谢谢分享code。