// Exercise 14.6 Solution: Ex14_06.cpp#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib> // exit function prototype
using namespace std;
void printOutput( ofstream&, int, string, string, double ); // prototype
int main()
int masterAccount; // holds account from old master file
int transactionAccount; // holds account from transactions file
double masterBalance; // holds balance from old master file
double transactionBalance; // holds balance from transactions file
string masterFirstName; // first name from master file
string masterLastName; // last name from master file
// file streams for input and output files
ifstream inOldMaster( "oldmast.dat" );
ifstream inTransaction( "trans.dat" );
ofstream outNewMaster( "newmast.dat" );
// terminate application if old master file cannot be opened
if ( !inOldMaster )
cerr << "Unable to open oldmast.dat\n";
exit( 1 );
} // end if
// terminate application if transactions file cannot be opened
if ( !inTransaction )
cerr << "Unable to open trans.dat\n";
exit( 1 );
} // end if
// terminate application if new master file cannot be opened
if ( !outNewMaster )
cerr << "Unable to open newmast.dat\n";
exit( 1 );
} // end if
// display account currently being processed
cout << "Processing...\n";
inTransaction >> transactionAccount >> transactionBalance;
// read from master file until end of transactions file reached
while ( !inTransaction.eof() )
inOldMaster >> masterAccount >> masterFirstName
>> masterLastName >> masterBalance;
// display accounts from master file until
// number of new account is reached
while ( masterAccount < transactionAccount && !inOldMaster.eof() )
printOutput( outNewMaster, masterAccount, masterFirstName,
masterLastName, masterBalance );
inOldMaster >> masterAccount >> masterFirstName
>> masterLastName >> masterBalance;
} // end while
// tell user if account from transactions file does not match
// account from master file
if ( masterAccount > transactionAccount )
cout << "Unmatched transaction record for account "
<< transactionAccount << '\n';
// get account and balance from transactions file
inTransaction >> transactionAccount >> transactionBalance;
} // end if
// if matching account found, update balance and output account info
if ( masterAccount == transactionAccount )
masterBalance += transactionBalance;
printOutput( outNewMaster, masterAccount, masterFirstName,
masterLastName, masterBalance );
} // end if
// get next account and balance from transactions file
inTransaction >> transactionAccount >> transactionBalance;
} // end while
// output remaining accounts to new master file
while ( !inOldMaster.eof() )
inOldMaster >> masterAccount >> masterFirstName
>> masterLastName >> masterBalance;
if (!inOldMaster.eof())
printOutput( outNewMaster, masterAccount, masterFirstName,
masterLastName, masterBalance );
} // end while
} // end main
// function to display output
void printOutput( ofstream &oRef, int mAccount, string mfName,
string mlName, double mBalance )
// set output format
cout << fixed << showpoint;
oRef << fixed << showpoint;
// display account number, name and balance
oRef << mAccount << ' ' << mfName << ' ' << mlName << ' '
<< setprecision( 2 ) << mBalance << '\n';
cout << mAccount << ' ' << mfName << ' ' << mlName << ' '
<< setprecision( 2 ) << mBalance << '\n';
} // end function printOutput
看下你这个代码是在哪个平台下编译的··在windows下,生成的exe会放到debug文件夹下,而你的.dat文件是和代码在同一个文件下,这样肯定找不到。如果在Linux下,这个路径可以指定。 上善若水··· 发表于 2020-5-13 10:37
看下你这个代码是在哪个平台下编译的··在windows下,生成的exe会放到debug文件夹下,而你的.dat文件是和 ...
是在windows下的,那是应该把文件移到debug文件夹下吗还是? 是的,放到和exe在同一个文件夹下。你也可以用全局路径试试... 上善若水··· 发表于 2020-5-13 10:44