2020年06月TIOBE编程语言排行榜 | 【Rust首次进入前20】
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2020年05月TIOBE编程语言排行榜 | 【时隔5年,C重返榜首】
June Headline: Rust enters the TIOBE index top 20 for the first time
Almost 10 years after its birth, programming language Rust enters the TIOBE index top 20 for the first time. Is this surprising? Rust has been awarded "the most loved programming language" by Stackoverflow users for the last 5 years. In a row! The main reason for this is that Rust is a system programming language that is done right. All the verbose programming and sharp edges of other languages are solved by Rust while being statically strongly typed. Its type system prevents run-time null pointer exceptions and memory management is calculated compile-time. So no garbage collection that suddenly kicks in. We have D, Lua and Julia trying to beat C and C++ but Rust seems to be the first one to come really close. Let's see whether it can keep this top 20 position in the years to come. - Paul Jansen CEO TIOBE Software
六月榜题:Rust 首次进入前20
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TIOBE 编程语言社区排行榜是编程语言流行趋势的一个指标,每月更新,这份排行榜排名基于互联网上有经验的程序员、课程和第三方厂商的数量。
排名使用著名的搜索引擎(诸如 Google、MSN、Yahoo!、Wikipedia 以及 Baidu 等)进行计算。
如果有帮助,别忘了评分{:10_281:} :
http://xxx.fishc.com/forum/201709/19/094516hku92k2g4kefz8ms.gif 鱼币的香气{:9_236:} 育碧 rust 多好啊,不明白初学者为什么还要学 c c++ 666 长知识了 有帮助~! 有帮助~! {:10_298:}哦吼 C重返邦收 顶一下~~ 鱼币
C语言赛高 666 鱼币来了 来了来了 我要鱼币 不二你和小甲鱼的头像{:10_285:} 鱼币