有一份csv数据,关于天气,其中有两列为日期(Date)和风向(Direction of wind)。现在要求用pandas从这份文件中数出日期为 2017-12-26 各个风向出现的次数。如果这种风向一次都没出现过,记数为0.以下为原题:
Using the provided climate_data_Dec2017.csv file, your task is to find out how many readings there were across our recorded weather stations for each wind direction on the 26th of December.
The file contains data for more than this particular day. To make sure that you only include readings from the 26th, you should use pandas to filter the data.
If any wind direction value can still be found for the other days but not 26th, it should still appear in the result with value zero. While we encourage you not to rely on a loop for this part, you are free to do as you see fit. (Hint: pandas can help you find a set of unique values from a series of data)
不给个数据。。。。难道要自己写一遍{:10_312:}。。。。。。 疾风怪盗 发表于 2020-10-5 20:10
我想个办法,因为我也不是直接有数据的 建议提问说明要问什么,我看了两遍题目也没找到问的什么问题