本帖最后由 hrh1023 于 2021-2-3 21:49 编辑class Fraction:
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.numerator = a
self.denominator = b
def __eq__(self, other):
return(self.numerator * other.denominator == self.denominator * other.numerator)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.numerator) + " / " + str(self.denominator)
def __mul__(self, other):
return int(self.numerator * other.denominator == self.denominator * other.numerator)
x = Fraction(1, 2)
y = Fraction(3, 5)
print(x * x) # should be 1 / 4, or any fraction equal to this
print(x * y) # should be 3 / 10, or any fraction equal to this
怎么样才可以让那个最后验算的结果不是false 而是数字啊 return int(...) qiuyouzhi 发表于 2021-2-3 21:22
return int(self.numerator+other.numerator == self.denominator+other.denominator)
我这样输入后 最后结果变成两个0了 请问还有哪里出错了吗 hrh1023 发表于 2021-2-3 21:33
return int(self.numerator+other.numerator == self.denominator+other.denominator)
我这样输 ...
我这里是1和0 qiuyouzhi 发表于 2021-2-3 21:59
可是答案应该要是1/4 和3/10 本帖最后由 qiuyouzhi 于 2021-2-3 22:34 编辑
hrh1023 发表于 2021-2-3 22:03
可是答案应该要是1/4 和3/10
import math
from copy import deepcopy
class Fraction:
def __init__(self, num, den = 1):
if isinstance(num, float):
self.convert(float(num), flag = True)
elif isinstance(num, str):
num, den = map(int, num.split('/'))
self.numerator = num
self.denominator = den
def convert(self, obj = None, flag = False):
if isinstance(obj, int):
return Fraction(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, float):
res = str(obj).replace('.', '')
den = int("1" + ((len(res) - 1) * "0"))
fc = Fraction(int(res), den)
if not flag:
return fc
self.numerator, self.denominator = fc.numerator, fc.denominator
raise ValueError("Object's type is wrong")
# 约分函数, reduction of a fraction
def _rof(self):
print(self.numerator, self.denominator)
gcd = math.gcd(self.numerator, self.denominator)
self.numerator //= gcd
self.denominator //= gcd
if self.numerator == self.denominator:
return 1.0
# 通分函数, reduction of fractions to a common denominator
def _rofcd(self, other):
fc1 = deepcopy(self)
fc2 = deepcopy(other)
fc1.denominator *= fc2.denominator
fc1.numerator *= fc2.denominator
fc2.denominator *= self.denominator
fc2.numerator *= self.denominator
return fc1, fc2
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if key == "denominator" and value == 0:
raise ValueError("The denominator can't be zero")
self.__dict__ = value
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Fraction):
if self.denominator != other.denominator:
fc1, fc2 = self._rofcd(other)
fc1 = deepcopy(self)
fc1 = deepcopy(self)
fc2 = self.convert(other)
fc1.numerator += fc2.numerator
k = fc1._rof()
return k if k else fc1
def __sub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Fraction):
if self.denominator != other.denominator:
fc1, fc2 = self._rofcd(other)
fc1.numerator -= fc2.numerator
return fc1
elif isinstance(other, (float, int)):
return self.numerator / self.denominator - other
def __mul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Fraction):
num = self.numerator * other.numerator
den = self.denominator * other.denominator
return Fraction(num, den)
elif isinstance(other, (float, int)):
return self.numerator / self.denominator * other
def __truediv__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Fraction):
fc = deepcopy(other)
fc.numerator, fc.denominator = fc.denominator, fc.numerator
return self * fc
elif isinstance(other, (float, int)):
return self.numerator / self.denominator / other
def __float__(self):
return self.numerator / self.denominator
def __repr__(self):
return f"Fraction({self.numerator}, {self.denominator})"
__str__ = __repr__
x = Fraction(1, 2)
y = Fraction(3, 5)
print(x * x) # should be 1 / 4, or any fraction equal to this
print(x * y) # should be 3 / 10, or any fraction equal to this qiuyouzhi 发表于 2021-2-3 22:16
hrh1023 发表于 2021-2-3 22:28
如果问题已解决,请设置【最佳答案】 本帖最后由 °蓝鲤歌蓝 于 2021-2-3 23:42 编辑
class Fraction:
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.numerator = a
self.denominator = b
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.numerator == other.numerator) and (
self.denominator == other.denominator
def __str__(self):
return str(self.numerator) + "/" + str(self.denominator)
def __mul__(self, other):
return Fraction(
self.numerator * other.numerator, self.denominator * other.denominator
而且你的图里问题不是两个分数相加吗? 怎么写出来却是要分数相乘啊? def __mul__(self, other):
return Fraction(self.numerator * other.numerator, self.denominator * other.denominator)
def __add__(self, other):
if self.denominator == other.denominator:
return Fraction(self.numerator + other.numerator, self.denominator)
return Fraction(self.numerator*other.denominator, self.denominator*other.denominator) + Fraction(other.numerator*self.denominator, other.denominator*self.denominator)
本帖最后由 °蓝鲤歌蓝 于 2021-2-4 12:45 编辑
class ZeroDenominatorError(ArithmeticError):
class Fraction:
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.numerator = a
self.denominator = b
self.__symbol = 1
if a * b < 0:
self.__symbol = 0
def __setattr(self, name, value):
if name == "denominator" and value == 0:
raise ZeroDenominatorError("denominator by zero")
return super().__setattr(self, name, value)
# -self
def __neg__(self):
a, b = self.numerator, self.denominator
if self.__symbol:
return Fraction(a, b)
return Fraction(abs(a), abs(b))
# +self
def __pos__(self):
return self
def __str__(self):
a, b = self.numerator, self.denominator
if a == 0:
return "0"
return "-" * abs(self.__symbol - 1) + f"{abs(a)}/{abs(b)}"
def __repr__(self):
__repr__ == __str__
# +
def __add__(self, other):
a, b = self.numerator, self.denominator
c, d = other.numerator, other.denominator
if a == 0:
return Fraction(c, d)
if c == 0:
return Fraction(a, b)
ad = a * d
bc = b * c
bd = b * d
return Fraction(ad + bc, bd)
# -
def __sub__(self, other):
a, b = self.numerator, self.denominator
c, d = other.numerator, other.denominator
if a == 0:
return -Fraction(c, d)
if c == 0:
return Fraction(a, b)
ad = a * d
bc = b * c
bd = b * d
return Fraction(ad + bc, bd)
# *
def __mul__(self, other):
return Fraction(
self.numerator * other.numerator, self.denominator * other.denominator
# /
def __truediv__(self, other):
if other.numerator == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError("division by zero")
ad, bc = self.numerator * other.denominator, self.denominator * other.numerator
return Fraction(ad, bc)
# int(self)
def __int__(self):
return int(self.numerator / self.denominator)
# float(self)
def __float__(self):
return self.numerator / self.denominator
def __ne__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Fraction):
return str(self) != str(other)
return True
# ==
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Fraction):
return str(self) == str(other)
return False
# <
def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Fraction):
return float(self) < float(other)
raise TypeError(
f"'<' not supported between instances of 'Fraction' and {type(other)}"
# <=
def __le__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Fraction):
return float(self) <= float(other)
raise TypeError(
f"'<=' not supported between instances of 'Fraction' and {type(other)}"
# >
def __gt__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Fraction):
return float(self) > float(other)
raise TypeError(
f"'>' not supported between instances of 'Fraction' and {type(other)}"
# >=
def __ge__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Fraction):
return float(self) >= float(other)
raise TypeError(
f"'>=' not supported between instances of 'Fraction' and {type(other)}"
# abs(self)
def __abs__(self):
a, b = self.numerator, self.denominator
if self.__symbol:
return Fraction(a, b)
return Fraction(-a, b)
# bool(self)
def __bool__(self):
if self.numerator == 0:
return False
return True