2021年06月TIOBE编程语言排行榜 | 【Python史上最逼近王者】
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2021年05月TIOBE编程语言排行榜 | 【Python重回第二位置】
June Headline: Python has never been so close to position #1 before
Python is about to take over the first position in the TIOBE index. The gap between the current number one, programming language C, and Python is only 0.7% now. Next month, the TIOBE index is celebrating its 20-year anniversary. Programming languages C and Java are the only 2 languages that reached a number 1 position during these 20 years. So if Python is going to take over the first position in the TIOBE index, this will certainly be a historical moment, which is worth celebrating. There appear to be hardly any interesting moves further down the chart. Possible future champions such as Dart, Kotlin, Julia, Rust, TypeScript, and Elixir didn't show any significant changes last month. -- Paul Jansen CEO TIOBE Software
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TIOBE 编程语言社区排行榜是编程语言流行趋势的一个指标,每月更新,这份排行榜排名基于互联网上有经验的程序员、课程和第三方厂商的数量。
排名使用著名的搜索引擎(诸如 Google、MSN、Yahoo!、Wikipedia 以及 Baidu 等)进行计算。
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.语言 我爱Python语言