typedef struct IQ_header_st {
char MeasureUnitName;/**< Name of sensor that measured the timeseries */
doublecenterFrequency; /**< Center frequency in Hertz.*/
doublesampleRate; /**< Sample rate used for the time series. */
uint32_t numSamples; /**< Number of samples in the timeseries */
doublebandwidth; /**<bandwidth of the time series. */
doubleattenuation; /**< The amount of attenuation the sensor used in dB */
doublelatitude; /**< In fractional degrees, southern latitudes are negative numbers */
doublelongitude; /**< In fractional degrees, western longitudes are negative numbers */
doubleelevation; /**< In meters*/
uint32_t timestampSeconds; /**< Whole seconds part of the time timeseries start time */
uint64_t timestampNSeconds;/**< Fractional seconds part of the time timeseries start time, in nano-seconds */
int32_tdataType; /**< The data type of the returned timeseries data, default 32 bit float real data */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define OPEN_ERR(fp) \
if(fp == NULL)\
printf("open error\n");\
return -1;\
typedef struct IQ_header_st {
char MeasureUnitName;/**< Name of sensor that measured the timeseries */
doublecenterFrequency; /**< Center frequency in Hertz.*/
doublesampleRate; /**< Sample rate used for the time series. */
uint32_t numSamples; /**< Number of samples in the timeseries */
doublebandwidth; /**<bandwidth of the time series. */
doubleattenuation; /**< The amount of attenuation the sensor used in dB */
doublelatitude; /**< In fractional degrees, southern latitudes are negative numbers */
doublelongitude; /**< In fractional degrees, western longitudes are negative numbers */
doubleelevation; /**< In meters*/
uint32_t timestampSeconds; /**< Whole seconds part of the time timeseries start time */
uint64_t timestampNSeconds;/**< Fractional seconds part of the time timeseries start time, in nano-seconds */
int32_tdataType; /**< The data type of the returned timeseries data, default 32 bit float real data */
int main()
#if defined(_WIN16) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
// change code page,use utf-8
system("chcp 65001");
struct IQ_header_st * IQ_header_t = (struct IQ_header_st*)malloc(sizeof(struct IQ_header_st));
FILE* fp = fopen("C://Users//xceeet6//Desktop//电离层//newdata//20210908给蔡老师筛选频点//筛选频点//7.23//好的//35875//004.tiq", "rb");
if (fp == NULL)
printf("File opening failure!\n");
// IQ_header_ttmp;
// fscanf(fp, "%s%d", &tmp.MeasureUnitName,&tmp.centerFrequency);
// printf("MeasureUnitName:%s\n centerFrequency:%d\n", tmp.MeasureUnitName,tmp.centerFrequency);
fread(IQ_header_t, sizeof(struct IQ_header_st), 1, fp);
printf("MeasureUnitName:%s \n centerFrequency:%d \n sampleRate:%d\n numSamples:%d\n", IQ_header_t->MeasureUnitName, IQ_header_t->centerFrequency, IQ_header_t->sampleRate, IQ_header_t->numSamples);
// fread(&tmp, sizeof(tmp.centerFrequency), 1, fp);
// printf("centerFrequency:%s \n ", tmp.centerFrequency);
printf("xc \n");
return 0;
} 发一下 004.tiq 这个文件
001.tiq在附件里 人造人 发表于 2021-12-10 16:05
发一下 004.tiq 这个文件
你好,发了,您看下。感谢 Breakpoint 1, main () at main.c:28
28 fread(&header, 1, sizeof(header), fp);
(gdb) print header
$1 = {
MeasureUnitName = "\377\377\377\377\377\177\000\000\334\304\301\366\377\177\000\000\240\347\377\377\377\177\000\000\300\023\305\366\377\177\000\000`Ah\367\377\177\000\000\060>h\367\377\177\000\000LC_MESSA\000<\025\323)\025?\235",
centerFrequency = 6.9531439690446777e-310, sampleRate = 6.9533487149036928e-310, numSamples = 32,
bandwidth = 6.9533487449397221e-310, attenuation = 6.9533558075298694e-310, recordLength = 6.9533491762171341e-310,
latitude = 4.6355705390658865e-310, longitude = 6.9533480836669456e-310, elevation = 1.018557979860957e-312,
x = 6.9533558075274979e-310, y = 6.9533558075180118e-310, timestampSeconds = 3541384192,
timestampNSeconds = 140737354129888, dataType = -753583104}
(gdb) n
29 fclose(fp);
(gdb) print header
$2 = {MeasureUnitName = "北京站", '\000' <repeats 54 times>, centerFrequency = 7230000, sampleRate = 16384,
numSamples = 130972, bandwidth = 5.3683007093318481e-315, attenuation = 0, recordLength = -3.2927640362278245e+35,
latitude = 1.0279480544167161e+135, longitude = 5.3351225559750078e-315, elevation = -6.2088212157720166e+17,
x = -3.4010646841494705e-69, y = 2.1651320492880085e+160, timestampSeconds = 62665,
timestampNSeconds = 4859383997932765184, dataType = 1136951296}
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct IQ_header_st {
char MeasureUnitName; /**< Name of sensor that measured the timeseries */
double centerFrequency;/**< Center frequency in Hertz.*/
double sampleRate; /**< Sample rate used for the time series. */
uint32_t numSamples; /**< Number of samples in the timeseries */
double bandwidth; /**<bandwidth of the time series. */
double attenuation; /**< The amount of attenuation the sensor used in dB */
double recordLength;
double latitude; /**< In fractional degrees, southern latitudes are negative numbers */
double longitude; /**< In fractional degrees, western longitudes are negative numbers */
double elevation; /**< In meters*/
double x;
double y;
uint32_t timestampSeconds;/**< Whole seconds part of the time timeseries start time */
uint64_t timestampNSeconds; /**< Fractional seconds part of the time
timeseries start time, in nano-seconds */
int32_t dataType; /**< The data type of the returned timeseries data,
default 32 bit float real data */
} *IQ_header_t;
int main() {
struct IQ_header_st header;
FILE *fp = fopen("001.tiq", "rb");
fread(&header, 1, sizeof(header), fp);
return 0;
人造人 发表于 2021-12-10 20:50
老哥 你用的什么代码软件,强啊,这怎么输出的这么详细 xceeet6 发表于 2021-12-10 20:53
老哥 你用的什么代码软件,强啊,这怎么输出的这么详细