catalpa-bungei 发表于 2023-9-23 21:38:55

bash $temp

Given a variable $temp, what is the effect of ${#temp} , ${temp%%word}, and ${temp/pattern/string}?

isdkz 发表于 2023-9-23 21:39:05

1. ${#temp}:返回变量 $temp 的长度。
2. ${temp%%word}:从变量 $temp 的末尾开始,删除最长匹配的字符串 "word",并返回剩余的字符串。
3. ${temp/pattern/string}:将变量 $temp 中第一个匹配 "pattern" 的字符串替换为 "string",并返回替换后的字符串。如果使用 /g 选项,则会替换所有匹配的字符串。


假设 $temp 的值为 "hello world"。

1. ${#temp} 的结果为 11,因为 "hello world" 这个字符串的长度为 11。
2. ${temp%%world} 的结果为 "hello ",因为从变量 $temp 的末尾开始,最长匹配的字符串是 "world",所以删除了 "world",并返回剩余的字符串 "hello "。
3. ${temp/o/a} 的结果为 "hello warld",因为它将第一个匹配 "o" 的字符替换为 "a",并返回替换后的字符串 "hello warld"。

陶远航 发表于 2023-9-23 21:39:10

In Bash scripting, the expressions ${#temp}, ${temp%%word}, and ${temp/pattern/string} allow you to manipulate the value of the variable $temp in different ways.

1. ${#temp}: This expression returns the length of the value stored in the variable $temp. For example, if $temp contains the string "Hello", ${#temp} will evaluate to 5.

2. ${temp%%word}: This expression removes the longest matching suffix pattern "word" from the value of $temp. It returns the resulting string after removing the suffix. For example, if $temp contains the string "/path/to/file.txt", ${temp%%/*} will remove "/path" and return "to/file.txt". This is known as "parameter expansion".

3. ${temp/pattern/string}: This expression performs pattern substitution within the value of $temp. It replaces the first occurrence of the pattern with the given string. For example, if $temp contains the string "Hello, world!", ${temp/o/0} will replace the first 'o' character with '0' and return "Hell0, world!". If you want to replace all occurrences of the pattern, you can use ${temp//o/0}. Again, this is a form of "parameter expansion".

These expressions are powerful tools in Bash for manipulating string variables and performing operations like length calculation, pattern matching, and substitution.

Mike_python小 发表于 2023-9-23 21:39:16

${#temp}: 这个表达式获取了变量 $temp 的长度,即字符串的字符个数。例如,如果 $temp 的值为 "Hello",那么 ${#temp} 将会返回 5。

${temp%%word}: 这个表达式从变量 $temp 的末尾开始匹配并删除最长的匹配项 "word"。其中 %% 表示删除后缀。例如,如果 $temp 的值为 "HelloWorld",而 "World" 是要删除的子字符串,那么 ${temp%%World} 将会返回 "Hello"。

${temp/pattern/string}: 这个表达式将变量 $temp 中第一个匹配 pattern 的子字符串替换为 string。其中 / 是替换操作符。如果 pattern 匹配多个子字符串,则只替换第一个匹配项。例如,如果 $temp 的值为 "HelloWorld",而我们想把 "World" 替换为 "Universe",那么 ${temp/World/Universe} 将会返回 "HelloUniverse"。



Mike_python小 发表于 2023-9-23 21:43:58

陶远航 发表于 2023-9-23 18:39
In Bash scripting, the expressions ${#temp}, ${temp%%word}, and ${temp/pattern/string} allow you to...

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