这个代码,怎么样修改可以做到。 在一局游戏中如果猜了四次再给出是奇数或者偶数的提示,这个猜了四次包括如果任一玩家放弃的次数!!!就是一局游戏猜六次,如果前四次猜的过程中有一次放弃,只猜了三个数字,但是依旧会给出提示是奇数还是偶数
#introduce the game and rules briefly
print("Three games, each game guess a number between 1 and 12.")
print("The game will end if you guess the right number or you run out of turns, each game you can guess 3 times.")
#Have each player enter their name
player1 = input("Enter the name of the two players: ")
player2 = input("Enter the name of the other player: ")
win1 = 0
win2 = 0
#play 3 games total
for i in range (3):
#pick a random number between 1 and 12
import random
correct_num = random.randint(1,12)
guess = correct_num + 1
count = 1
guessed_number = []
while guess != correct_num and count <= 6:
#take turns to guess the number
if count % 2 == 0:
player = player1
player = player2
guess = float(input(player+" guess a number between 1 and 12: "))
print("You have already guessed: ",guessed_number)
#if one player win,the game ends
if guess == correct_num:
print(player,"congratulations, you are right!")
count = count + 6
if player == player1:
win1 = win1 + 1
win2 = win2 + 1
#tell them if the guess is bigger or smaller
if guess > correct_num:
print(player,"your number is bigger.")
print(player,"your number is smaller.")
#let one player give up part way through the game
if count < 7:
if player == player1:
Y = input(player2 + " Do you want to give up? ")
Y = input(player1 + " Do you want to give up? ")
if Y == "n":
count = count + 1
elif Y == "y":
count = count + 2
#give the hint
if count >= 4 and guess != correct_num :
if correct_num % 2 == 0:
print("Hint: the correct number is even")
print("Hint: the correct number is odd")
#if no winner, tell them they are losers
if count >= 6 and guess != correct_num:
print(player1,"and",player2,"You are all losers.")
count = count + 6
if i <= 1 :
print("Now the next game begin! ")
# add an extra congratulations to the player who wins the most games
if win1 > win2:
print(player1,"congratulations! you win the most games!")
elif win1 < win2:
print(player2,"congratulations! you win the most games!")
#introduce the game and rules briefly
print("Three games, each game guess a number between 1 and 12.")
print("The game will end if you guess the right number or you run out of turns, each game you can guess 3 times.")
#Have each player enter their name
player1 = input("Enter the name of the two players: ")
player2 = input("Enter the name of the other player: ")
win1 = 0
win2 = 0
#play 3 games total
for i in range (3):
#pick a random number between 1 and 12
import random
correct_num = random.randint(1,12)
guess = correct_num + 1
count = 1
guessed_number = []
give_up_count = 0
while guess != correct_num and count <= 6:
#take turns to guess the number
if count % 2 == 0:
player = player1
player = player2
guess = float(input(player+" guess a number between 1 and 12: "))
print("You have already guessed: ",guessed_number)
#if one player win,the game ends
if guess == correct_num:
print(player,"congratulations, you are right!")
count = count + 6
if player == player1:
win1 = win1 + 1
win2 = win2 + 1
#tell them if the guess is bigger or smaller
if guess > correct_num:
print(player,"your number is bigger.")
print(player,"your number is smaller.")
#let one player give up part way through the game
if count < 7:
if player == player1:
Y = input(player2 + " Do you want to give up? ")
Y = input(player1 + " Do you want to give up? ")
if Y == "n":
count = count + 1
elif Y == "y":
give_up_count += 1
count = count + 1
if give_up_count == 1 and count == 4:
count = count + 1
#give the hint
if count >= 4 and guess != correct_num :
if correct_num % 2 == 0:
print("Hint: the correct number is even")
print("Hint: the correct number is odd")
#if no winner, tell them they are losers
if count >= 6 and guess != correct_num:
print(player1,"and",player2,"You are all losers.")
count = count + 6
if i <= 1 :
print("Now the next game begin! ")
# add an extra congratulations to the player who wins the most games
if win1 > win2:
print(player1,"congratulations! you win the most games!")
elif win1 < win2:
print(player2,"congratulations! you win the most games!") 你的代码已经非常接近你想要的结果了。你需要做的是创建一个新的变量,比如attempted_guesses,来跟踪玩家尝试猜测的次数,包括放弃的次数。然后,你可以在给出提示的条件中使用这个新的变量,而不是count。以下是修改后的代码:
#introduce the game and rules briefly
print(\"Three games, each game guess a number between 1 and 12.\")
print(\"The game will end if you guess the right number or you run out of turns, each game you can guess 3 times.\")
#Have each player enter their name
player1 = input(\"Enter the name of the two players: \")
player2 = input(\"Enter the name of the other player: \")
win1 = 0
win2 = 0
#play 3 games total
for i in range (3):
#pick a random number between 1 and 12
import random
correct_num = random.randint(1,12)
guess = correct_num + 1
count = 1
attempted_guesses = 0# New variable to track attempted guesses
guessed_number = []
while guess != correct_num and count <= 6:
#take turns to guess the number
if count % 2 == 0:
player = player1
player = player2
guess = float(input(player+\" guess a number between 1 and 12: \"))
attempted_guesses += 1# Increment attempted guesses
print(\"You have already guessed: \",guessed_number)
#if one player win,the game ends
if guess == correct_num:
print(player,\"congratulations, you are right!\")
count = count + 6
if player == player1:
win1 = win1 + 1
win2 = win2 + 1
#tell them if the guess is bigger or smaller
if guess > correct_num:
print(player,\"your number is bigger.\")
print(player,\"your number is smaller.\")
#let one player give up part way through the game
if count < 7:
if player == player1:
Y = input(player2 + \" Do you want to give up? \")
Y = input(player1 + \" Do you want to give up? \")
if Y == \"n\":
count = count + 1
elif Y == \"y\":
count = count + 2
attempted_guesses += 1# Increment attempted guesses if player gives up
#give the hint
if attempted_guesses >= 4 and guess != correct_num :
if correct_num % 2 == 0:
print(\"Hint: the correct number is even\")
print(\"Hint: the correct number is odd\")
#if no winner, tell them they are losers
if count >= 6 and guess != correct_num:
print(player1,\"and\",player2,\"You are all losers.\")
count = count + 6
if i <= 1 :
print(\"Now the next game begin! \")
# add an extra congratulations to the player who wins the most games
if win1 > win2:
print(player1,\"congratulations! you win the most games!\")
elif win1 < win2:
print(player2,\"congratulations! you win the most games!\")
如果问题已经解决,请设置最佳答案 修改后的代码如下所示:
# introduce the game and rules briefly
print("Three games, each game guess a number between 1 and 12.")
print("The game will end if you guess the right number or you run out of turns, each game you can guess 3 times.")
# Have each player enter their name
player1 = input("Enter the name of the two players: ")
player2 = input("Enter the name of the other player: ")
win1 = 0
win2 = 0
# play 3 games total
for i in range(3):
# pick a random number between 1 and 12
import random
correct_num = random.randint(1, 12)
guess = correct_num + 1
count = 1
guessed_number = []
while guess != correct_num and count <= 6:
# take turns to guess the number
if count % 2 == 0:
player = player1
player = player2
guess = float(input(player + " guess a number between 1 and 12: "))
print("You have already guessed: ", guessed_number)
# if one player wins, the game ends
if guess == correct_num:
print(player, "congratulations, you are right!")
count += 6
if player == player1:
win1 += 1
win2 += 1
# tell them if the guess is bigger or smaller
if guess > correct_num:
print(player, "your number is bigger.")
print(player, "your number is smaller.")
# let one player give up part way through the game
if count < 7:
if player == player1:
Y = input(player2 + " Do you want to give up? ")
Y = input(player1 + " Do you want to give up? ")
if Y == "n":
count += 1
elif Y == "y":
count += 2
# give the hint after 4 guesses, including abandon
if count >= 4 and guess != correct_num:
if correct_num % 2 == 0:
print("Hint: the correct number is even")
print("Hint: the correct number is odd")
# if no winner, tell them they are losers
if count >= 6 and guess != correct_num:
print(player1, "and", player2, "You are all losers.")
count += 6
if i <= 1:
print("Now the next game begins!")
# add an extra congratulations to the player who wins the most games
if win1 > win2:
print(player1, "congratulations! you win the most games!")
elif win1 < win2:
print(player2, "congratulations! you win the most games!")