xzh莫小痕 发表于 2023-10-26 20:22:28


我一直不是很理解,这两个的区别,我看别人说以换行符结尾,在缓冲区中最后会留下换行符,但是我在敲代码实验,确实没证明出来(主要是太菜了),以EOF结尾需要ctrl z结束运行,那这两种方式该怎么去区分和理解他们呢

陶远航 发表于 2023-10-26 20:23:09

getchar() is a function in C language that reads a single character from the standard input (usually the keyboard) and returns its ASCII value as an integer. The two code snippets you provided involve different conditions for reading characters using getchar():

1. while((c=getchar())!='\n');
   This code snippet reads characters until a newline character ('\n') is encountered. It means the loop will continue until you press the Enter key. The newline character itself is read but typically not stored or used in further processing.

2. while((c=getchar())!=EOF);
   This code snippet reads characters until the end-of-file (EOF) character is encountered. On most systems, you can signal EOF by pressing Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Ctrl+D (Unix/Linux) while entering input through the console. It indicates the end of the input stream.

The difference between these two conditions is what triggers the termination of the loop. In the first case, the loop ends when a newline character is entered, while in the second case, it ends when the end-of-file character is encountered.

isdkz 发表于 2023-10-26 20:23:09

getchar() 是 C 语言中的一个函数,用于从标准输入中读取一个字符。根据你提供的代码片段,我可以看出你想要理解的是在使用 getchar() 函数时,以换行符结尾和以 EOF 结尾的区别。

首先,让我们来看看你的代码片段中的两个 while 循环:


这个循环会一直读取字符,直到读取到文件结束符(EOF)为止。在大多数操作系统中,你可以通过在命令行中按下 Ctrl + Z(Windows)或 Ctrl + D(Linux/macOS)来输入文件结束符。循环的作用是读取并丢弃输入缓冲区中的所有字符,直到文件结束符出现。

所以,这两种方式的区别在于结束的条件不同。第一个循环以换行符为结束条件,用于清空输入缓冲区中的剩余字符;而第二个循环以 EOF 为结束条件,用于读取并丢弃输入缓冲区中的所有字符。

需要注意的是,EOF 是一个特殊的整数值,表示文件结束符。在大多数情况下,它的值是 -1。因此,第二个循环的结束条件可以简写为while((c=getchar())!=-1); 。

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