Eat.随 发表于 2023-12-7 16:25:18


9.2. Exercise
Calling time (NULL) gives you a large integer. Use this value to calculate today's year, date, hours, and minutes.
  Simplifying assumption:we pretend that each year has exactly365 days. The 15th of March is therefore day 83 in year 2011. (use that date to figure out today's "day number")(hint: how many seconds are there in a day?)
You cannot use struct for this assignment.
You cannot use any time-based functions from the standard library such asasctime or strftime.
  You must use one function to calculate the year and day(pass inthe total seconds, and a reference to the year and day).
  You must use a separate function to calculate the hours andminutes.(again, pass the total seconds, and a reference to the hours and minutes)
  You must use a separate function to print the time; this functioncan only take as arguments the year, day, hour, and minutes.
       handle leap-years correctly, and print the month as well.

FishC_GPT 发表于 2023-12-7 16:28:39




#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

// 计算年份和日期
void calculateYearAndDay(time_t seconds, int *year, int *day) {
    // 计算今天是一年中的第几天
    *day = seconds / (24 * 60 * 60) + 83;

    // 计算年份
    *year = 2011 + (*day / 365);

// 计算小时和分钟
void calculateHourAndMinute(time_t seconds, int *hour, int *minute) {
    // 计算小时和分钟
    *hour = (seconds % (24 * 60 * 60)) / 3600;
    *minute = (seconds % 3600) / 60;

// 打印时间
void printTime(int year, int day, int hour, int minute){
    printf("Today is: %d-%d, Time: %02d:%02d", year, day, hour, minute);

int main() {
    time_t currentTime = time(NULL);

    int year, day, hour, minute;

    calculateYearAndDay(currentTime, &year, &day);
    calculateHourAndMinute(currentTime, &hour, &minute);
    printTime(year, day, hour, minute);

    return 0;



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