用C++ MFC将一张大图按图像宽度和100像素高度进行分块加载后,将每个分块转为CImage图像再进行拼接,请帮我写个代码,谢谢 当然可以!下面是一个简单的示例代码,演示如何使用C++ MFC将一张大图按宽度截取100像素高度的分块,然后将这些分块拼接起来。#include "stdafx.h"
#include <afxwin.h>
#include <atlimage.h>
class CImageStitcher
static void StitchImage(LPCTSTR imagePath, LPCTSTR outputPath, int blockHeight)
// 加载原始大图
CImage originalImage;
if (SUCCEEDED(originalImage.Load(imagePath)))
// 获取原始图像的宽度和高度
int imageWidth = originalImage.GetWidth();
int imageHeight = originalImage.GetHeight();
// 创建用于拼接的目标图像
CImage targetImage;
targetImage.Create(imageWidth, imageHeight, originalImage.GetBPP());
// 分块加载并拼接
int currentHeight = 0;
while (currentHeight < imageHeight)
int currentBlockHeight = min(blockHeight, imageHeight - currentHeight);
// 创建一个块图像并从原始图像的相应位置复制像素
CImage blockImage;
blockImage.Create(imageWidth, currentBlockHeight, originalImage.GetBPP());
for (int y = 0; y < currentBlockHeight; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; ++x)
COLORREF color = originalImage.GetPixel(x, currentHeight + y);
blockImage.SetPixel(x, y, color);
// 将块图像复制到目标图像中的相应位置
for (int y = 0; y < currentBlockHeight; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; ++x)
COLORREF color = blockImage.GetPixel(x, y);
targetImage.SetPixel(x, currentHeight + y, color);
currentHeight += currentBlockHeight;
// 保存拼接后的图像
int main()
CImageStitcher::StitchImage(_T("path_to_your_image.jpg"), _T("output_image.jpg"), 100);
return 0;
以上回复来自 FishC AI 小助理,如未能正确解答您的问题,请继续追问。 FishC 发表于 2024-11-19 15:18
当然可以!下面是一个简单的示例代码,演示如何使用C++ MFC将一张大图按宽度截取100像素高度的分块,然后将 ...
不好意思,我的意思是大图按图像宽度和100像素高度分块加载成Mat图像后,再将Mat分块图像转为CImage图像,再将转换后的CImage图像进行拼接成完整的大图 cxnet 发表于 2024-11-19 15:36
不好意思,我的意思是大图按图像宽度和100像素高度分 ...
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <afxwin.h>
void StitchImageUsingMFC(const std::string& imagePath, const std::string& outputPath, int blockHeight)
// 使用OpenCV加载大图像
cv::Mat originalMat = cv::imread(imagePath);
if (originalMat.empty())
int imageWidth = originalMat.cols;
int imageHeight = originalMat.rows;
// 创建一个空的目标图像
CImage targetImage;
targetImage.Create(imageWidth, imageHeight, 24);
int currentHeight = 0;
while (currentHeight < imageHeight)
int currentBlockHeight = std::min(blockHeight, imageHeight - currentHeight);
// 从Mat中提取一个块
cv::Rect roi(0, currentHeight, imageWidth, currentBlockHeight);
cv::Mat blockMat = originalMat(roi);
// 转换Mat为CImage
CImage blockImage;
blockImage.Create(blockMat.cols, blockMat.rows, 24);
for (int y = 0; y < blockMat.rows; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < blockMat.cols; ++x)
cv::Vec3b color = blockMat.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x);
blockImage.SetPixel(x, y, RGB(color, color, color)); // 注意OpenCV和CImage的颜色顺序
// 将blockImage复制到targetImage中的相应位置
for (int y = 0; y < blockImage.GetHeight(); ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < blockImage.GetWidth(); ++x)
COLORREF color = blockImage.GetPixel(x, y);
targetImage.SetPixel(x, currentHeight + y, color);
currentHeight += currentBlockHeight;
// 保存拼接后的图像
int main()
StitchImageUsingMFC("path_to_your_image.jpg", "output_image.jpg", 100);
return 0;
以上回复来自 FishC AI 小助理,如未能正确解答您的问题,请继续追问。 FishC 发表于 2024-11-19 15:37
好的,我明白你的需求了。下面是一个示例代码,演示如何用C++利用OpenCV库将大图按指定高度读取为Mat分 ...
我的图像是黑白二值图,是否需要设置颜色顺序 cxnet 发表于 2024-11-19 15:40
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <atlimage.h>
void StitchImageUsingMFC(const std::string& imagePath, const std::string& outputPath, int blockHeight)
// 使用OpenCV加载大图像
cv::Mat originalMat = cv::imread(imagePath, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
if (originalMat.empty())
int imageWidth = originalMat.cols;
int imageHeight = originalMat.rows;
// 创建一个空的目标图像
CImage targetImage;
targetImage.Create(imageWidth, imageHeight, 8);
int currentHeight = 0;
while (currentHeight < imageHeight)
int currentBlockHeight = std::min(blockHeight, imageHeight - currentHeight);
// 从Mat中提取一个块
cv::Rect roi(0, currentHeight, imageWidth, currentBlockHeight);
cv::Mat blockMat = originalMat(roi);
// 转换Mat为CImage
CImage blockImage;
blockImage.Create(blockMat.cols, blockMat.rows, 8);
for (int y = 0; y < blockMat.rows; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < blockMat.cols; ++x)
uchar grayValue = blockMat.at<uchar>(y, x);
blockImage.SetPixel(x, y, RGB(grayValue, grayValue, grayValue));
// 将blockImage复制到targetImage中的相应位置
for (int y = 0; y < blockImage.GetHeight(); ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < blockImage.GetWidth(); ++x)
COLORREF color = blockImage.GetPixel(x, y);
targetImage.SetPixel(x, currentHeight + y, color);
currentHeight += currentBlockHeight;
// 保存拼接后的图像
int main()
StitchImageUsingMFC("path_to_your_image.jpg", "output_image.jpg", 100);
return 0;
以上回复来自 FishC AI 小助理,如未能正确解答您的问题,请继续追问。 FishC 发表于 2024-11-19 15:41
对于黑白二值图像,不需要特别设置颜色顺序,因为每个像素点只包含单一的灰度值。在这种情况下,转换过 ...
这段代码应该有问题,一个很小的图处理很长时间都拼接不完 cxnet 发表于 2024-11-19 16:07
这段代码应该有问题,一个很小的图处理很长时间都拼接 ...
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <atlimage.h>
#include <afxwin.h>
void StitchImageUsingMFC(const std::string& imagePath, const std::string& outputPath, int blockHeight)
// 使用OpenCV加载大图像
cv::Mat originalMat = cv::imread(imagePath, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
if (originalMat.empty())
int imageWidth = originalMat.cols;
int imageHeight = originalMat.rows;
// 创建一个空的目标图像
CImage targetImage;
targetImage.Create(imageWidth, imageHeight, 24);
BYTE* pBitmapBits = (BYTE*)targetImage.GetBits();
int bytesPerLine = targetImage.GetPitch();
int currentHeight = 0;
while (currentHeight < imageHeight)
int currentBlockHeight = std::min(blockHeight, imageHeight - currentHeight);
// 从Mat中提取一个块并直接复制
cv::Rect roi(0, currentHeight, imageWidth, currentBlockHeight);
cv::Mat blockMat = originalMat(roi);
for (int y = 0; y < blockMat.rows; ++y)
uchar* pRow = blockMat.ptr(y);
BYTE* pDstRow = pBitmapBits + (currentHeight + y) * bytesPerLine;
for (int x = 0; x < blockMat.cols; ++x)
pDstRow = pRow; // B
pDstRow = pRow; // G
pDstRow = pRow; // R
currentHeight += currentBlockHeight;
// 保存拼接后的图像
int main()
StitchImageUsingMFC("path_to_your_image.jpg", "output_image.jpg", 100);
return 0;
以上回复来自 FishC AI 小助理,如未能正确解答您的问题,请继续追问。 FishC 发表于 2024-11-19 16:07
明白了,我会简化和优化代码以提高效率。以下代码改进了直接访问像素的数据结构,应该会更高效地处理黑 ...
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program:F:opencvtest\0011x64\Debug\001.exeFile: C:Program Files,Microsoft VisualStudio12022\CommunityVCTools\MSVC114.42.34433\atlmfclinclude\atlimage.hLine:1070
Expression:m hBitmap!=0
For information on how your program can cause an assertionfailure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.
(Press Retny to debug the application) cxnet 发表于 2024-11-19 16:17
小的二值图可以,转换拼接很快,但是二值图稍微大一些 ...
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <atlimage.h>
void StitchImageUsingMFC(const std::string& imagePath, const std::string& outputPath, int blockHeight)
// 使用OpenCV加载大图像
cv::Mat originalMat = cv::imread(imagePath, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
if (originalMat.empty())
int imageWidth = originalMat.cols;
int imageHeight = originalMat.rows;
// 初始化目标图像,检查创建是否成功
CImage targetImage;
if (!targetImage.Create(imageWidth, imageHeight, 24))
BYTE* pBitmapBits = (BYTE*)targetImage.GetBits();
int bytesPerLine = targetImage.GetPitch();
int currentHeight = 0;
while (currentHeight < imageHeight)
int currentBlockHeight = std::min(blockHeight, imageHeight - currentHeight);
// 从Mat中提取一个块并直接复制
cv::Rect roi(0, currentHeight, imageWidth, currentBlockHeight);
cv::Mat blockMat = originalMat(roi);
for (int y = 0; y < blockMat.rows; ++y)
uchar* pRow = blockMat.ptr(y);
BYTE* pDstRow = pBitmapBits + (currentHeight + y) * bytesPerLine;
for (int x = 0; x < blockMat.cols; ++x)
pDstRow = pRow; // B
pDstRow = pRow; // G
pDstRow = pRow; // R
currentHeight += currentBlockHeight;
// 保存拼接后的图像
if (FAILED(targetImage.Save(_T(outputPath.c_str()))))
int main()
StitchImageUsingMFC("path_to_your_image.jpg", "output_image.jpg", 100);
return 0;
以上回复来自 FishC AI 小助理,如未能正确解答您的问题,请继续追问。 FishC 发表于 2024-11-19 16:18
这个错误通常发生在CImage对象的位图操作过程中出现问题,比如在操作未被正确初始化的图像时。为了改进 ...
pDstRow = pRow; // B
pDstRow = pRow; // G
pDstRow = pRow; // R
cxnet 发表于 2024-11-19 16:28
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <afxwin.h>
void StitchImageUsingMFC(const std::string& imagePath, const std::string& outputPath, int blockHeight)
// 使用OpenCV加载大图像
cv::Mat originalMat = cv::imread(imagePath, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
if (originalMat.empty())
int imageWidth = originalMat.cols;
int imageHeight = originalMat.rows;
// 初始化目标图像,检查创建是否成功
CImage targetImage;
if (!targetImage.Create(imageWidth, imageHeight, 24))
BYTE* pBitmapBits = (BYTE*)targetImage.GetBits();
int bytesPerLine = targetImage.GetPitch();
int currentHeight = 0;
while (currentHeight < imageHeight)
int currentBlockHeight = std::min(blockHeight, imageHeight - currentHeight);
// 从Mat中提取一个块并直接复制
cv::Rect roi(0, currentHeight, imageWidth, currentBlockHeight);
cv::Mat blockMat = originalMat(roi);
for (int y = 0; y < blockMat.rows; ++y)
uchar* pRow = blockMat.ptr(y);
BYTE* pDstRow = pBitmapBits + (currentHeight + y) * bytesPerLine;
for (int x = 0; x < blockMat.cols; ++x)
BYTE grayValue = pRow;
pDstRow = grayValue; // B
pDstRow = grayValue; // G
pDstRow = grayValue; // R
currentHeight += currentBlockHeight;
// 保存拼接后的图像
if (FAILED(targetImage.Save(_T(outputPath.c_str()))))
int main()
StitchImageUsingMFC("path_to_your_image.jpg", "output_image.jpg", 100);
return 0;
以上回复来自 FishC AI 小助理,如未能正确解答您的问题,请继续追问。 FishC 发表于 2024-11-19 16:28
你说得对,对于二值图像,没有RGB通道的区别。对于灰度图或二值图像,只需要将同一个灰度值复制到每个 ...
目标图像是8位即二值图,所以创建CImage也应该是8位 cxnet 发表于 2024-11-19 16:30
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <afxwin.h>
void StitchImageUsingMFC(const std::string& imagePath, const std::string& outputPath, int blockHeight)
// 使用OpenCV加载大图像
cv::Mat originalMat = cv::imread(imagePath, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
if (originalMat.empty())
int imageWidth = originalMat.cols;
int imageHeight = originalMat.rows;
// 初始化目标图像,设置为8位灰度
CImage targetImage;
if (!targetImage.Create(imageWidth, imageHeight, 8))
// 准备并设置调色板
RGBQUAD* palette = new RGBQUAD;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
palette.rgbRed = i;
palette.rgbGreen = i;
palette.rgbBlue = i;
palette.rgbReserved = 0;
targetImage.SetColorTable(0, 256, palette);
delete[] palette;
BYTE* pBitmapBits = (BYTE*)targetImage.GetBits();
int bytesPerLine = targetImage.GetPitch();
int currentHeight = 0;
while (currentHeight < imageHeight)
int currentBlockHeight = std::min(blockHeight, imageHeight - currentHeight);
// 从Mat中提取一个块并直接复制
cv::Rect roi(0, currentHeight, imageWidth, currentBlockHeight);
cv::Mat blockMat = originalMat(roi);
for (int y = 0; y < blockMat.rows; ++y)
uchar* pRow = blockMat.ptr(y);
BYTE* pDstRow = pBitmapBits + (currentHeight + y) * bytesPerLine;
memcpy(pDstRow, pRow, blockMat.cols);
currentHeight += currentBlockHeight;
// 保存拼接后的图像
if (FAILED(targetImage.Save(outputPath.c_str())))
int main()
StitchImageUsingMFC("path_to_your_image.jpg", "output_image.jpg", 100);
return 0;
以上回复来自 FishC AI 小助理,如未能正确解答您的问题,请继续追问。 FishC 发表于 2024-11-19 16:30
如果目标图像是8位(二值图),那我们在创建CImage的时候需要设置为8位,并且要处理调色板以适应灰度图 ...
int MatToCImage(Mat& mat, CImage& cImage)
int width = mat.cols;
int height = mat.rows;
int channels = mat.channels();
cImage.Create(width, height, 8 * channels);
uchar* ps;
uchar* pimg = (uchar*)cImage.GetBits(); //获取CImage的像素存贮区的指针
int step = cImage.GetPitch();//每行的字节数,注意这个返回值有正有负
// 如果是1个通道的图像(灰度图像) DIB格式才需要对调色板设置
// CImage中内置了调色板,我们要对他进行赋值:
if (1 == channels)
RGBQUAD* ColorTable;
int MaxColors = 256;
ColorTable = new RGBQUAD;
cImage.GetColorTable(0, MaxColors, ColorTable);//这里是取得指针
for (int i = 0; i < MaxColors; i++)
ColorTable.rgbBlue = (BYTE)i;
ColorTable.rgbGreen = (BYTE)i;
ColorTable.rgbRed = (BYTE)i;
cImage.SetColorTable(0, MaxColors, ColorTable);
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
ps = mat.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
if (1 == channels)
*(pimg + i * step + j) = ps;
//*(pimg + i*step + j) = 105;
else if (3 == channels)
*(pimg + i * step + j * 3) = ps;
*(pimg + i * step + j * 3 + 1) = ps;
*(pimg + i * step + j * 3 + 2) = ps;
return 0;
} cxnet 发表于 2024-11-19 18:58
大图还是会报错,错误是在Mat转CImage的环节,我试了 ...
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <atlimage.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
// Function to convert Mat to CImage
int MatToCImage(Mat& mat, CImage& cImage) {
int width = mat.cols;
int height = mat.rows;
int channels = mat.channels();
cImage.Destroy(); // Prevent memory issues by destroying any existing image
cImage.Create(width, height, 8 * channels);
uchar* ps;
uchar* pimg = (uchar*)cImage.GetBits();
int step = cImage.GetPitch();
// Setup color table for grayscale images
if (1 == channels) {
RGBQUAD* ColorTable = new RGBQUAD;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
ColorTable.rgbBlue = (BYTE)i;
ColorTable.rgbGreen = (BYTE)i;
ColorTable.rgbRed = (BYTE)i;
ColorTable.rgbReserved = 0;
cImage.SetColorTable(0, 256, ColorTable);
delete[] ColorTable;
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
ps = mat.ptr(i);
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
if (1 == channels) {
*(pimg + i * step + j) = ps;
} else if (3 == channels) {
*(pimg + i * step + j * 3) = ps;
*(pimg + i * step + j * 3 + 1) = ps;
*(pimg + i * step + j * 3 + 2) = ps;
return 0;
void StitchImageUsingMFC(const std::string& imagePath, const std::string& outputPath, int blockHeight) {
Mat originalMat = imread(imagePath, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
if (originalMat.empty()) {
cerr << "Image loading failed!" << endl;
int imageWidth = originalMat.cols;
int imageHeight = originalMat.rows;
// Create a large CImage for the entire stitched image
CImage targetImage;
targetImage.Create(imageWidth, imageHeight, 8);
BYTE* pBitmapBits = (BYTE*)targetImage.GetBits();
int bytesPerLine = targetImage.GetPitch();
int currentHeight = 0;
while (currentHeight < imageHeight) {
int currentBlockHeight = min(blockHeight, imageHeight - currentHeight);
// Extract block as Mat and convert to CImage
Rect roi(0, currentHeight, imageWidth, currentBlockHeight);
Mat blockMat = originalMat(roi);
CImage blockImage;
MatToCImage(blockMat, blockImage);
// Copy blockImage content to targetImage
for (int y = 0; y < blockImage.GetHeight(); ++y) {
BYTE* pDstRow = pBitmapBits + (currentHeight + y) * bytesPerLine;
memcpy(pDstRow, blockImage.GetBits() + y * blockImage.GetPitch(), imageWidth);
currentHeight += currentBlockHeight;
// Save the stitched image
int main() {
StitchImageUsingMFC("path_to_your_image.jpg", "output_image.jpg", 100);
return 0;
1. 使用`MatToCImage`函数处理每个图块,并将其正确地合并到目标`CImage`中。
2. 该代码通过内存复制的方式拼接图块,使用`memcpy`进行高效复制。
3. 确保合理处理8位灰度图的调色板。
以上回复来自 FishC AI 小助理,如未能正确解答您的问题,请继续追问。