andalousie 发表于 2014-8-27 15:58:14


本帖最后由 andalousie 于 2014-11-6 12:34 编辑

I am improving the bidding of the open source java program gnubridge. Its official website is here:

The source code I got from can be imported as a Eclipse project and run at once.
Since the code is dated and the bidding system is so weak, I am working on the code based on 2/1 Game Forcing. And I created a repository on Github and my latest code will be on
I'd like to place the generated runnable jar file here.

Can anyone help me find the problem of the Double-Dummy Solver? Much thanks.

百日维新 发表于 2014-8-27 18:43:22


andalousie 发表于 2014-9-4 14:00:15

有大神研究过Double Dummy Solver吗?能帮我看下为什么CPU占用那么大吗?{:9_241:}
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 我在改善一个桥牌软件gnubridge