Linux C语言
/* Program 4.12 Simple Simon */
#include <stdio.h> /* For input and output */
#include <ctype.h> /* For toupper() function */
#include <stdbool.h> /* For bool, true, false*/
#include <stdlib.h> /* For rand() and srand() */
#include <time.h> /* For time() and clock() */
int main(void)
/* Records if another game is to be played */
char another_game = 'Y';
/* true if correct sequence entered, false otherwise */
int correct = false;
/* Number of sequences entered successfully */
int counter = 0;
int sequence_length = 0; /* Number of digits in a sequence */
time_t seed = 0; /* Seed value for random number sequence */
int number = 0; /* Stores an input digit */
time_t now = 0; /* Stores current time - seed for random values*/
int time_taken = 0; /* Time taken for game in seconds */
/* Describe how the game is played */
printf("\nTo play Simple Simon, ");
printf("watch the screen for a sequence of digits.");
printf("\nWatch carefully, as the digits are only displayed"
" for a second! ");
printf("\nThe computer will remove them, and then prompt you ");
printf("to enter the same sequence.");
printf("\nWhen you do, you must put spaces between the digits. \n");
printf("\nGood Luck!\nPress Enter to play\n");
scanf("%c", &another_game);
/* One outer loop iteration is one game */
correct = true; /* By default indicates correct sequence entered */
counter = 0; /* Initialize count of number of successful tries*/
sequence_length = 2; /* Initial length of a digit sequence */
time_taken = clock();/* Record current time at start of game */
/* Inner loop continues as long as sequences are entered correctly */
/* On every third successful try, increase the sequence length */
sequence_length += counter++%3 == 0;
/* Set seed to be the number of seconds since Jan 1,1970*/
seed = time(NULL);
now = clock(); /* record start time for sequence*/
/* Generate a sequence of numbers and display the number */
srand((unsigned int)seed); /* Initialize the random sequence */
for(int i = 1; i <= sequence_length; i++)
printf("%d ", rand() % 10); /* Output a random digit */
/* Wait one second */
for( ;clock() - now < CLOCKS_PER_SEC; );
/* Now overwrite the digit sequence */
printf("\r"); /* go to beginning of the line */
for(int i = 1; i <= sequence_length; i++)
printf(""); /* Output two spaces */
if(counter == 1) /* Only output message for the first try */
printf("\nNow you enter the sequence- don't forget"
" the spaces\n");
printf("\r"); /* Back to the beginning of the line */
/* Check the input sequence of digits against the original */
srand((unsigned int)seed); /* Restart the random sequence */
for(int i = 1; i <= sequence_length; i++)
scanf("%d", &number); /* Read an input number */
if(number != rand() % 10) /* Compare against random digit */
correct = false; /* Incorrect entry */
break; /* No need to check further... */
printf("%s\n", correct? "Correct!" : "Wrong!");
/* Calculate total time to play the game in seconds)*/
time_taken = (clock() - time_taken) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
/* Output the game score */
printf("\n\n Your score is %d", --counter * 100 / time_taken);
/* Check if new game required*/
printf("\nDo you want to play again (y/n)? ");
scanf("%c", &another_game);
}while(toupper(another_game) == 'Y');
return 0;
好长啊! !@R键! 发表于 2015-1-19 20:50
从第27到34行是一连串的printf();语句,所以出问题的几率不大。。ps:而且书上本来就是这么长 这个,好抽象的问题 顶顶~ 都是大神呀 zhao zhe shang bian yun xing le ,bu zuo biao shi .:call: 真是每一行都注释了!好习惯:lol: linux,没用过:sweat::sweat: