破渔网兜兜 发表于 2015-2-2 16:13:52


本帖最后由 破渔网兜兜 于 2015-2-3 17:37 编辑

翻译原文:In western countries, the general rule of making introductions is: to introduce the young to the old; to introduce the man to the woman;and to introduce junior to senior.But in business circles,the principle is to introduce junior to senior,regardless of age and gender.But the woman is introduced to the man first if both of them have the same status.
There is another interesting custom in western countries about taking leave of one's host at parties.If guests want to leave,their leaving time should be 10 or 20 minutes after their first saying goodbye. And during this period,guests need to repeat it 2 or 3 times.Guest also need to show their thanks to hosts, and hosts express their hope of reunion.
翻译答案:在西方国家,一般作介绍规则是:介绍年轻给年长的;介绍男子给女子; ,并介绍上级给下级.但是在企业界,原则是引进初级到高级,如果他们都具有相同的地位,不论年龄和性别.但是首先女子被介绍给男子,另外还有一个有趣的习俗在西方国家想要在东道主的聚会上离席,如果客人要离开,他们离开的时间应该是10或20分钟后,他们首先说再见。并在此期间,客人需要重复两三次.客人还需要对主持人表达他们的感谢,和主人表达他们的希望再次团聚的意愿。



711. The damage was caused by external forces. 损害是由外力引起的。
712. The doctor advised me to give up smoking.医生建议我戒烟。
713. The flowers make the room more beautiful.花使房间变得更加美了。
714. There is a good restaurant on the street.那条大街上有一个很好的餐馆。
715. They covered 120 miles in a single night.他们仅一夜就走了120英里路。
716. Try to look on the bright side of things.尽量从好的方面看。
717. What's your plan for the summer vacation?你暑假打算干什么?
718. You may pick whichever one you like best.你可以挑你最喜欢的。
719. You're welcome to stay with us next time.欢迎您下次再光临我们的饭店。
720. There was a murder in London yesterday. 昨天伦敦发生了一起谋杀案。


If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.

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