欧拉计划 发表于 2015-10-14 15:15:30

题目66:考察丢番图方程x^2 − Dy^2 = 1

Diophantine equation

Consider quadratic Diophantine equations of the form:

For example, when D=13, the minimal solution in x is

It can be assumed that there are no solutions in positive integers when D is square.

By finding minimal solutions in x for D = {2, 3, 5, 6, 7}, we obtain the following:

Hence, by considering minimal solutions in x for D ≤ 7, the largest x is obtained when D=5.

Find the value of D ≤ 1000 in minimal solutions of x for which the largest value of x is obtained.


例如当 D=13 时, x 的最小解是

可以认为当 D 时平方数时方程无正整数解。

通过寻找当 D = {2, 3, 5, 6, 7} 时 x 的最小解,我们得到:

因此对于 D ≤ 7, x 的最小解的最大值在 D=5 时取到。

找出 D ≤ 1000 中使得 x 的最小值取到最大的 D 的值。

jerryxjr1220 发表于 2016-12-24 23:42:55

maxx = 1
for D in range(2,1001):
        print (D)
        if (D**0.5) % 1 != 0:
                y = 1
                while True:
                        x = (D * y * y + 1) ** 0.5
                        if x % 1 == 0:
                                if x > maxx:
                                        maxx = int(x)
                                y += 1
print (maxx)

jerryxjr1220 发表于 2016-12-25 00:00:52

2178548422 * 2178548422 - 778 * 78104745 * 78104745 = 1

芒果加黄桃 发表于 2017-1-24 10:09:25

# encoding:utf-8
# x**2 - D*y**2 = 1
from time import time
from math import sqrt
def euler066():
    max_x, r_D, r_y = 0, 0, 0
    for D in range(2, 1001):
      if int(sqrt(D)) == sqrt(D):
      y = 0
      flag = False
      while not flag:
            y += 1
            x = sqrt(D * (y ** 2) + 1)
            if x == int(x):
                print(D, int(x), y)
                y = 1
                if int(x) > max_x:
                  max_x, r_D, r_y = int(x), D, y
                flag = True
    print(max_x, r_D, r_y)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    start = time()
    print('cost %.6f sec' % (time() - start))


gunjang 发表于 2017-9-9 12:15:21

答案:16421658242965910275055840472270471049, 661
# encoding:utf-8
X^2 - DY^2=1
from math import sqrt

#sqrt(n) = a0+1/(a1+1/(a2+1/....+1/an))
#the sequence is repeating, a1,a2,...ax,a1,a2,...ax
#√13=, period=5
def getContinuedFractionsOfSqrt(n):
        a0 = int(sqrt(n))
        if n == a0*a0:
                return a0, []

        fractions = []
        c = 1
        b = a0
        fdict = {}
        while True:
                #(sqrt(n)-b)/c ^ -1 ==> a1 + (sqrt(n)-b1)/c1
                c1 = (n - b*b)//c
                tb = b
                #now (sqrt(n)+tb) / c1 == a1 + (sqrt(n)-b1)/c1
                # a1c1-b1==tb, b1 <= a0 ===> a1 <= (a0+tb)/c1 => a1 = (a0+tb)//c1
                a1 = (a0+tb)//c1
                b1 = a1*c1-tb
                if fdict.get((a1,b1,c1), 0) > 0:
                fdict[(a1,b1,c1)] = 1
                c = c1
                b = b1

        return a0, fractions

def calculteContinuedFractions(a0, fractions, fcount):
        #return franction a/b (a,b)
        i = (fcount-1) % len(fractions)
        a,b = 1, fractions
        for cnt in range(fcount-1):
                #print(a, b)
                i = (i-1) % len(fractions)
                an1 = fractions #A(n-1)
                #1/(an1 + (a/b)) ===> b / (an1*b+a)
                a,b = b, an1*b+a
        #add A0, a0+(a/b) ==> (a0*b+a)/b
        a += a0*b
        return a,b       

def solvePell(D): #may not min X,Y
        a0, fractions = getContinuedFractionsOfSqrt(D)
        m = len(fractions)
        if m == 0:
                return 0,0
        #print(a0, fractions)

        if m%2 == 0: #even
        #x0=P(mn-1),y0=Q(mn-1), n=1,2,3...
                x, y = calculteContinuedFractions(a0, fractions, m-1)
        else: #odd
        #x0=P(2mn-1),y0=Q(2mn-1), n=0,1,2,3...
                x, y = calculteContinuedFractions(a0, fractions, 2*m-1)       
        return x,y

#print(solvePell(13)) #649, 180
#print(solvePell(778)) #2178548422, 78104745

maxx = 0
saveD = 0
for D in range(2, 1000+1):
        x,y = solvePell(D)
        if x > maxx:
                maxx = x
                saveD = D
print(maxx, saveD) #16421658242965910275055840472270471049 661

grf1973 发表于 2018-7-30 10:56:47

def findx(n):   
    m = int(n**0.5)
    ifm * m == n :
      return 0
    ha,ka = 1, 0
    d,a,b,c = m, n, -m,1
    hb = d; kb = 1
    if hb * hb - n * kb * kb == 1:
       return hb
    while True:
      nC = a - b * b
      nC = nC / c
      nd = int((a**0.5 - b) / nC)
      nb = -b - nd * nC
      c = nC; d = nd; b = nb
      hc = d*hb+ha
      kc = d * kb + ka
      ha,ka,hb,kb = hb,kb,hc,kc      
      if hc*hc==kc*kc*n+1:
            return hc         
    return 0

ans = 0; tmp = 0
for i in range(1,1001):
    z = findx(i)
    if z > tmp:

print(ans, tmp)

661 16421658242965910275055840472270471049

guosl 发表于 2019-4-26 10:41:56

本帖最后由 guosl 于 2021-3-21 11:58 编辑

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <mpirxx.h>
using namespace std;

int gcd(int x, int y)
if (y == 0)
    return x;
int z = x % y;
while (z != 0)
    x = y;
    y = z;
    z = x % y;
return y;

int gcd3(int x, int y, int z)
int a = gcd(x, y);
a = gcd(a, z);
return a;

struct stTriples
int a, b, c;
bool operator==(const stTriples &t) const
    return (a == t.a && b == t.b && c == t.c);

void get_triples(int nD, const stTriples &tr1, int &n, stTriples &tr2)
int a1 = tr1.a * tr1.c, b1 = -tr1.b * tr1.c, c1 = tr1.a * tr1.a * nD - tr1.b * tr1.b;
n = int((sqrt(nD) * double(a1) + double(b1)) / double(c1));
b1 -= n * c1;
int k = gcd3(abs(a1), abs(b1), abs(c1));
a1 /= k;
b1 /= k;
c1 /= k;
tr2.a = a1;
tr2.b = b1;
tr2.c = c1;

int get_cycle(int nD, vector<int>& vI)
int p = 0;
int q = int(sqrt((double)nD));
if (q * q == nD)
    return 0;
vector<stTriples> vTriples;
stTriples tr1, tr2;
tr1.a = 1;
tr1.b = -q;
tr1.c = 1;
int n;
while (true)
    get_triples(nD, tr1, n, tr2);
    auto itr = find(vTriples.begin(), vTriples.end(), tr2);
    if (itr != vTriples.end())
      p = int(vTriples.end() - itr);
    tr1 = tr2;
return p;

int main(void)
mpz_class xMax = 0;
int nD = 0;
for (int k = 2; k < 1000; ++k)
    vector<int> vI;
    int n = get_cycle(k, vI);
    if (n == 0)
    int m = vI.size();
    int s = m - n;
    int kk = n - 1;
    if ((n & 1) == 1)
      kk = 2 * n - 1;
      for (int i = s; i < m; ++i)
    mpz_class p, q;
    p = vI, p = vI * vI + 1;
    q = 1, q = vI;
    for (int i = 2; i <= kk; ++i)
      p = vI * p + p;
      q = vI * q + q;
      p = p;
      p = p;
      q = q;
      q = q;
    if (p > xMax)
      xMax = p;
      nD = k;
cout << nD << endl;
return 0;
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 题目66:考察丢番图方程x^2 − Dy^2 = 1