Primes with runsConsidering 4-digit primes containing repeated digits it is clear that they cannot all be the same: 1111 is divisible by 11, 2222 is divisible by 22, and so on. But there are nine 4-digit primes containing three ones:
1117, 1151, 1171, 1181, 1511, 1811, 2111, 4111, 8111
We shall say that M(n, d) represents the maximum number of repeated digits for an n-digit prime where d is the repeated digit, N(n, d) represents the number of such primes, and S(n, d) represents the sum of these primes.
So M(4, 1) = 3 is the maximum number of repeated digits for a 4-digit prime where one is the repeated digit, there are N(4, 1) = 9 such primes, and the sum of these primes is S(4, 1) = 22275. It turns out that for d = 0, it is only possible to have M(4, 0) = 2 repeated digits, but there are N(4, 0) = 13 such cases.
In the same way we obtain the following results for 4-digit primes.
For d = 0 to 9, the sum of all S(4, d) is 273700.
Find the sum of all S(10, d).
考虑含有重复位的四位数素数。显然这四位数不能全部相同:1111 可以被 11 整除,2222 可以被 22 整除,等等。但是有 9 个四位的素数包含三个 1:
1117, 1151, 1171, 1181, 1511, 1811, 2111, 4111, 8111
我们用 M(n, d) 来表示一个 n 位素数中重复位的最大值,其中 d 代表重复的数字。用 N(n, d) 代表这样的素数的数量,S(n, d) 来代表这些素数之和。
所以 M(4,1) = 3,是四位的素数中重复位的最大值,其中 1 是重复的那一位数。共有 N(4,1)=9 个这样的素数,他们的和 S(4,1)=22275。事实证明对于d=0,只能有 M(4,0)=2 个重复位,但是却有 N(4,0)=13 个这样的数。
对于 d=0 到 9,S(4,d) 之和为 273700。
求所有 S(10,d) 之和。
当n=4时,程序已经验证成功了,而且速度也挺快 0.5秒不到
Time used: 0.34
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools as it
import math
import time
start = time.time()
def getPrime(n):
primes = *n
primes, primes = False, False
for (i,prime) in enumerate(primes):
if prime:
for j in range(i*i,n,i):
primes = False
plist = []
for (k,trueprime) in enumerate(primes):
if trueprime:
return plist
primes = getPrime(100000)
def isPrime(n):
if n > 100000:
for i in primes:
if n%i==0:
return False
if i*i > n:
return True
if n in primes:
return True
return False
def pr(n,d):
pl = list(range(d))+list(range(d+1,10))
for i in range(n-1,1,-1):
cl = []
com = it.combinations(pl,(n-i))
for each in com:
tl = list(each)
for j in range(i):
plst = set()
for ecom in cl:
al = it.permutations(ecom,n)
for a in al:
s = 0
for j in range(n):
s = s*10+a
if isPrime(s) and int(math.log10(s)) == n-1:
if len(plst) > 0:
return plst
print (sum(sum(pr(4,k)) for k in range(10)))
print ('Time used: %.2f' % (time.time()-start)) 对算法进行了优化
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from itertools import combinations
import time
start = time.time()
def getPrime(n):
primes = *n
primes, primes = False, False
for (i,prime) in enumerate(primes):
if prime:
for j in range(i*i,n,i):
primes = False
plist = []
for (k,trueprime) in enumerate(primes):
if trueprime:
return plist
primes = getPrime(100000)
def isPrime(n):
if n > 100000:
for i in primes:
if n%i==0:
return False
if i*i > n:
return True
if n in primes:
return True
return False
def generateDigitLists(n,without, withZero=False):
if n == 0:
yield []
start = 0 if withZero else 1
for lst in generateDigitLists(n-1,without, True):
for i in range(start,10):
if i != without:
yield + lst
def F(n,d):
for k in range(n-1,0,-1):
resultSet = set()
start = 0 if d != 0 else 1
for dInds in combinations(range(start,n), k):
for dList in generateDigitLists(n-k,d, d != 0 and 0 in dInds):
lst = *n
for i in range(n):
if i not in dInds:
lst = dList
j += 1
number = int(''.join(str(dig) for dig in lst))
if isPrime(number) :
if len(resultSet) > 0:
return k,resultSet
def MNS(n,d):
k,rs = F(n,d)
return k,len(rs),sum(rs)
def e111(n):
r = 0
for d in range(10):
m,ln,s = MNS(n,d)
r += s
return r
print (e111(10))
print ("Time used: %.2f sec" % (time.time()-start))
M(10,0) = 8 N(10,0) = 8 S(10,0) = 38000000042
M(10,1) = 9 N(10,1) = 11 S(10,1) = 12882626601
M(10,2) = 8 N(10,2) = 39 S(10,2) = 97447914665
M(10,3) = 9 N(10,3) = 7 S(10,3) = 23234122821
M(10,4) = 9 N(10,4) = 1 S(10,4) = 4444444447
M(10,5) = 9 N(10,5) = 1 S(10,5) = 5555555557
M(10,6) = 9 N(10,6) = 1 S(10,6) = 6666666661
M(10,7) = 9 N(10,7) = 9 S(10,7) = 59950904793
M(10,8) = 8 N(10,8) = 32 S(10,8) = 285769942206
M(10,9) = 9 N(10,9) = 8 S(10,9) = 78455389922
Sum = 612407567715
主要检验的数不能用循环来产生。而要根据规律用“填数”方法来产生。 本帖最后由 guosl 于 2022-2-10 08:32 编辑
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <omp.h>
using namespace std;
const int nLen = 10;//讨论的素数位数
char cPrimes;//cPrimes=1表示i是一个素数
int nPrimes;//具体记录素数
int nps = 0;//记录在0到100100之间素数的个数
int nCount;//nCount记录N(nLen,i)的值
long long lTSum;//lTSum记录S(nLen,i)的值
int nMaxCount;//nMaxCount记录M(Len,i)的值
void dfs(int nCt, //当前未变动的数字的个数,也是取指定数字的个数
int nPos, //填充的位置
const char* str, //逐渐被填充的字符串(最后形成欲求的素数)
int nChkInt)//指定的数字
if (nCt == nMaxCount)//所有可变动的指标已经用完
long long x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nLen; ++i)
x *= 10;
x += str;
int nD = sqrt((double)x);
bool bIsPrime = true;
for (int i = 0; nPrimes <= nD; ++i)
long long p = (long long)nPrimes;
if (x%p == 0)
bIsPrime = false;
if (!bIsPrime)
lTSum += x;
if (nPos >= nLen)//超出可填充的位置
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)//继续枚举在第nPos位置上的数字
char str1;
memcpy(str1, str, sizeof(str1));
str1 = i;
if (i == nChkInt)
dfs(nCt, nPos + 1, str1, nChkInt);//如果是指定值则未占用变动指标
dfs(nCt - 1, nPos + 1, str1, nChkInt);//如果不是指定值则占用变动指标
int main(void)
double t = omp_get_wtime();
memset(cPrimes + 2, 1, sizeof(cPrimes) - 2);
for (int i = 2; i <= (int)sqrt(100100.0); ++i)
if (cPrimes == 0)
for (int j = i*i; j < 100100; j += i)
cPrimes = 0;
nPrimes = 2;
for (int i = 3; i < 100100; i += 2)
if (cPrimes == 1)
nPrimes = i;
long long lSum = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:lSum)
for (int nChkInt = 0; nChkInt < 10; ++nChkInt)//求M(Len,nChkInt),N(Len,nChkInt),S(Len,nChkInt)
nMaxCount = nLen;
while (nCount == 0)
char str;//记录最后满足条件的素数
memset(str, 0, sizeof(str));
for (int i = 1; i <= 9; ++i)//枚举要生成的素数的第0位上的数字
int k = nLen;
memset(str, nChkInt, nLen * sizeof(char));//把该数所有位置上的值都填成nChkInt
str = i;
if (i != nChkInt)
dfs(k, 1, str, nChkInt);//逐步填充后面的位置上的数字
lSum += lTSum;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
cout << "M(" << nLen << "," << i << ") = " << nMaxCount << "\tN(" << nLen << "," << i << ") = " << nCount << "\tS(" << nLen << "," << i << ") = " << lTSum << endl;
cout << "Sum = " << lSum << endl;
t = omp_get_wtime() - t;
cout << "耗时:" << t << "秒" << endl;
return 0;