caihuawuhen 发表于 2016-8-22 11:05:38

left operant must have segment

实验五第一题写完出现报错:left operant must have segement按照书上抄的 不知哪里有问题 希望各位大神帮我看一下

assume cs:code,ds:data,ss:stack

data segment
   dw 0123H,0456H,0789h,0abch,0defh,0fedh,0cbah,0987h
data ends

stack segment
      dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
stack ends

code segment

start: mov ax,stack
       mov ss,ax
       mov sp,16
       mov ax,data
       mov ds,ax
       push ds:
       push ds:
       mov ax:4c00h
       int 21h

code ends

end start

caihuawuhen 发表于 2016-8-22 16:07:14

哦哦 问题找到了 mov ax:4c00 mov ax,4c00

lb971216008 发表于 2016-8-23 12:24:37

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