欧拉计划 发表于 2016-8-23 17:21:24

题目131:求使得n^3 + n^2 * p为完全立方数的质数p

本帖最后由 永恒的蓝色梦想 于 2020-6-3 19:09 编辑

Prime cube partnership

There are some prime values, p, for which there exists a positive integer, n, such that the expression n3 + n2p is a perfect cube.

For example, when p = 19, 83 + 82×19 = 123.

What is perhaps most surprising is that for each prime with this property the value of n is unique, and there are only four such primes below one-hundred.

How many primes below one million have this remarkable property?


对于某些质数 p,存在一个正整数 n,使得 n3 + n2p 是完全立方数。

例如,当 p=19 时,83 + 82×19 = 123.

令人惊奇的是,对于每个具有上述性质的质数 p,对应的 n 是唯一的,而且 100 以下只有 4 个这样的质数。


fc1735 发表于 2016-11-21 04:27:23


xor esi,esi
xor eax,eax
inc eax
xor ebx,ebx
xor ecx,ecx
add cl,3

add bx,6
add eax,ebx
cmp eax,1000000
jnc _ok
push cx
push eax
xor edx,edx
div ecx
cmp eax,ecx
jc _a
add cx,2
mov eax,
test edx,edx
jnz _d
jmp _n
inc esi
pop eax
pop cx
jmp _i


所用时间: 0.00063秒

jerryxjr1220 发表于 2017-7-19 14:01:14

n^3+n^2*p=k^3 (p is prime, n and k are int)
so, p+n and n need to be perfect cubes
let n = x^3 and p+n = y^3, then p=y^3-x^3=(y-x)*(y^2+x*y+x^2)
due to p is prime, so y-x must be 1, so p=(x+1)^3-x^3 and p must be prime and p < 1000000.
so, let's check x and y...
for i,prime in enumerate(primes):
        if prime:
                for j in range(i*i, 1000000, i):
count = 0
for x in range(1, 1000):
        p = (x+1)**3-x**3
        if p >= 1000000:
        if primes:
                count += 1
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查看完整版本: 题目131:求使得n^3 + n^2 * p为完全立方数的质数p