欧拉计划 发表于 2016-9-14 23:04:11



A triomino is a shape consisting of three squares joined via the edges. There are two basic forms:

If all possible orientations are taken into account there are six:

Any n by m grid for which nxm is divisible by 3 can be tiled with triominoes.
If we consider tilings that can be obtained by reflection or rotation from another tiling as different there are 41 ways a 2 by 9 grid can be tiled with triominoes:

In how many ways can a 9 by 12 grid be tiled in this way by triominoes?




任何一个 n*m 的网格都可以用 triominoe 形状的图形覆盖,只要 n*m 能被 3 整除。

如果从一个填涂旋转或翻转得到的填涂都算作一个不同的填涂的话,那么,总计可以有以下 41 种方式用 triominoe 填涂一个 2×9 的网格:

请问,用上面的方法进行填涂的话,9×12 的网格可以有多少种填涂的方法?

guosl 发表于 2022-10-2 21:34:52

本帖最后由 guosl 于 2022-10-3 22:20 编辑

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

struct stObj
short L;//三层布局
    memset(L, 0, 3 * sizeof(short));

stObj bobj;//最基本的六种形状
unsigned long long f;

void dfs(int k, stObj oObj, stObj nObj, int c)//用深搜来找出扩充
if (nObj.L == 511)
    f]] += f]];//递推方程
if (c >= 9)
if ((nObj.L & (1 << c)) != 0)
    return dfs(k, oObj, nObj, c + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)//查找可以铺设的块
    stObj tobj = bobj;
    int d = c;
    if ((tobj.L & 1) == 0)
    if (d < 0)
    tobj.L = (tobj.L << d);
    tobj.L = (tobj.L << d);
    tobj.L = (tobj.L << d);
    if ((tobj.L & 512) != 0 || (tobj.L & 512) != 0 || (tobj.L & 512) != 0)//检查是否出头
    if ((nObj.L & tobj.L) == 0 && (nObj.L & tobj.L) == 0 && (nObj.L & tobj.L) == 0)//检查是否有重叠
      stObj tt = nObj;
      tt.L |= tobj.L;
      tt.L |= tobj.L;
      tt.L |= tobj.L;
      dfs(k, oObj, tt, c + 1);//查找新的块

int main(void)
bobj.L = 2;
bobj.L = 3;
bobj.L = 0;
bobj.L = 1;
bobj.L = 3;
bobj.L = 0;
bobj.L = 3;
bobj.L = 2;
bobj.L = 0;
bobj.L = 3;
bobj.L = 1;
bobj.L = 0;
bobj.L = 1;
bobj.L = 1;
bobj.L = 1;
bobj.L = 7;
bobj.L = 0;
bobj.L = 0;
f = 1;
for (int k = 1; k <= 12; ++k)
    for (int i = 0; i < 512; ++i)
      f += f;
    for (int i = 0; i < 511; ++i)//枚举状态
      for (int j = 0; j < 512; ++j)
      stObj obj;
      obj.L = i;
      obj.L = j;
      dfs(k, obj, obj, 0);//递归铺设
cout << f << endl;
return 0;
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 题目161:Triomino