欧拉计划 发表于 2017-1-6 01:32:44


The Race

Two players share an unbiased coin and take it in turns to play "The Race". On Player 1's turn, he tosses the coin once: if it comes up Heads, he scores one point; if it comes up Tails, he scores nothing. On Player 2's turn, she chooses a positive integer T and tosses the coin T times: if it comes up all Heads, she scores 2T-1 points; otherwise, she scores nothing. Player 1 goes first. The winner is the first to 100 or more points.

On each turn Player 2 selects the number, T, of coin tosses that maximises the probability of her winning.

What is the probability that Player 2 wins?

Give your answer rounded to eight decimal places in the form 0.abcdefgh .


两个玩家用一个均匀的硬币玩“抛硬币比赛”。在玩家一的回合,他抛一次硬币:如果得到正面,他得一分;如果得到反而,他得零分。在玩家二的回合,她选择一个正整数 T 并抛 T 次硬币:如果全为正面,她得 2T-1 分;否则,她得零分。玩家一先抛。最先得到 100 或更多分的玩家获胜。

假设在每一回合玩家二都选择最大化获胜概率的正整数 T 。


给出你的答案并精确到 8 位小数,形式为 0.abcdefgh

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查看完整版本: 题目232:抛硬币比赛