joker11111 发表于 2017-5-2 22:08:34

【Chapter 16】The Little Prince(小王子)

Chapter 16

So then the seventh planet was the Earth.

The Earth is not just an ordinary planet! One can count, there, 111 kings (not forgetting, to be sure, the Negro kings among them), 7000 geographers, 900,000 businessmen, 7,500,000 tipplers, 311,000,000 conceited men--that is to say, about 2,000,000,000 grown-ups.

To give you an idea of the size of the Earth, I will tell you that before the invention of electricity it was necessary to maintain, over the whole of the six continents, a veritable army of 462,511 lamplighters for the street lamps.

Seen from a slight distance, that would make a splendid spectacle. The movements of this army would be regulated like those of the ballet in the opera. First would come the turn of the lamplighters of New Zealand and Australia. Having set their lamps alight, these would go off to sleep. Next, the lamplighters of China and Siberia would enter for their steps in the dance, and then they too would be waved back into the wings. After that would come the turn of the lamplighters of Russia and the Indies; then those of Africa and Europe; then those of South America; then those of South America; then those of North America. And never would they make a mistake in the order of their entry upon the stage. It would be magnificent.

Only the man who was in charge of the single lamp at the North Pole, and his colleague who was responsible for the single lamp at the South Pole--only these two would live free from toil and care: they would be busy twice a year.


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joker11111 发表于 2017-5-2 22:12:13

本帖最后由 joker11111 于 2017-5-2 22:25 编辑



如果我们觉得前面的许多星球上的人都是悲哀的 那么, 地球就是有许许多多这样的人组成的地方......

前后一对比,倒把地球写出恢宏的气势了。 一盏一盏的街灯亮起,光辉簇拥成幻海,一波推着一波,灿若星洋,流光溢彩,在缓慢而永恒的蔓延更替中循环往复。而表面的平静下掩藏着更多复杂的暗河涌动。 这就是地球,丰富而宽广——把之前小小星球上的奇闻异事放在同一片天空下同时交错上演。 既包罗万象,又毫无新意。
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