破渔网兜兜 发表于 2017-7-31 08:39:21


本帖最后由 破渔网兜兜 于 2017-7-31 10:47 编辑

翻译原文:Recent Trends
The goal is not to produce a working version of the product but to obtain a demonstration tool that can be used to clarify communication between the parties involved. For example, rapid prototypes have proved advantageous in ironing out system requirements during the analysis stage or as aids during sales presentations to potential clients.

翻译答案:我们的目标不是制作产品的有效版本,而是获得一个示范工具,以便阐明有关方面之间的沟通。例如,在分析阶段解决系统的需求问题,或在销售阶段作为向潜在客户演示的辅助, 快速原型具有很大的优势

读完一本书翻译原文:At this sight the animals’ courage returned to them. The fear and despair they had felt a moment earlier were drowned in their rage against this vile, contemptible act. A mighty cry for vengeance went up, and without waiting for further orders they charged forth in a body and made straight for the enemy. This time they did not heed the cruel pellets that swept over them like hail.
It was a savage, bitter battle. The men fired again and again, and, when the animals got to close quarters, lashed out with their sticks and their heavy boots. A cow, three sheep, and two geese were killed, and nearly everyone was wounded. Even Napoleon, who was directing operations from the rear, had the tip of his tail chipped by a pellet. But the men did not go unscathed either. Three of them had their heads broken by blows from Boxer’s hoofs; another was gored in the belly by a cow’s horn; another had his trousers nearly torn off by Jessie and Bluebell. And when the nine dogs of Napoleon’s own bodyguard, whom he had instructed to make a detour under cover of the hedge, suddenly appeared on the men’s flank, baying ferociously, panic overtook them. They saw that they were in danger of being surrounded. Frederick shouted to his men to get out while the going was good, and the next moment the cowardly enemy was
running for dear life. The animals chased them right down to the bottom of the field, and got in some last kicks at them as they forced their way through the thorn hedge.

乎每个动物都受了伤。就连一直在后面指挥作战的拿破仑也被子弹削去了尾巴尖。但人也并非没有伤亡。三个人的头被鲍克瑟的蹄掌打破;另一个人的肚子被一头牛的犄角刺破;还有一个人,裤子几乎被杰西和布鲁拜尔撕掉,给拿破仑作贴身警卫的那九条狗, 奉他的命令在树篱的遮掩下迂回过去,突然出现在敌人的侧翼,凶猛地吼叫起来,把那帮人吓坏了。他们发现有被包围的危险,弗雷德里克趁退路未断便喊他的同伙撤出去, 不一会儿,那些贪生怕死的敌人便没命似地逃了。动物们一直把他们追到庄园边上,在他们从那片树篱中挤出去时,还踢了他们最后几下。


The happiness of this life depends less on what befalls you than the way in which you take it.
生活中的快乐不在于发生在你身上的事,而在于你应对的方式。 (刮刮乐,挂出大奖)

WeiChat阿威 发表于 2017-8-5 14:50:13


zlj19931010 发表于 2018-2-12 22:49:51



The happiness of this life depends less on what befalls you than the way in which you take it.

13752836504 发表于 2020-6-18 08:37:55

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