2123226207 发表于 2017-11-5 00:49:35

a topical to eveyone convection

someone who like english and program then you can intruction youself in here,i will try my best reply eveybody

2123226207 发表于 2017-11-5 00:54:21

i am a guy that still study in hightschool,but i assum that i can;t pass college examination,i spend all of time in leanning english and program,

2123226207 发表于 2017-11-5 00:57:13

still remain 7 month,i will face college examination,motherfuck!!!

2123226207 发表于 2017-11-5 01:06:08

i assum that you hard to memory english word that no rather take a taking with me
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