破渔网兜兜 发表于 2018-7-30 08:56:55


翻译答案:detectives came in.
'Good morning. I am Detective Inspector Walsh and this is Sergeant Foster.' The Inspector did not smile. He was a big man in an old black suit and a black hat and coat. He wore a coat because he always felt cold. 'Last night someone put sleeping tablets in Mrs Clarkson's hot milk. We are going to
question everybody, and we need a room, please.'
Roger stood up. 'I'm Roger Clarkson. You can have my father's old office. Come with me, it's along here,'
The office was not a very big room, but there was a table and three or four chairs. Roger opened the window.
'I would like to talk first to your uncle, Albert King,' Inspector Walsh said. He took off his hat and coat and sat down behind the table.
读完一本书原文:Half an hour later I was keeper of the knowledge that one bush equals many branches, and that the volume of a bush increases exponentially as it's cut and tossed into the middle of a yard. It was ridiculous! Where was I going to put all this stuff?
Mom came home and tried to talk me out of my mission, but I'd have none of it. Oh, no-no-no! I'd already pruned two bushes down to a respectable size, and before long she'd see— the place was going to look just dandy.
“You didn't get that stubborn streak from me,” she said, but came back outside with a glass of juice and a kiss for my cheek. Good enough for me!By the end of that first day, what I'd made was a big mess. But if chaos is a necessary step in the organization of one's universe, then I was well on my way. At least that's what I tried to tell myself when I flopped into bed that night, dead tired.




When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.

zlj19931010 发表于 2018-7-30 10:11:11

'of course'Roger said,then he left.
Sergeant foster waited at the door.
he was a tall black hair younger with charming smile.
he was usually plays tennis at sunday morning,so he looked like a little upset.
he was one of the best players of the Cambridge tennis club.
'Mr Jin,i have some question to ask you'inspector said.
'then Sergeant foster will record your words'
Albert looked at his foot.'ok,that is your work.i understand'
'tell me about last night'Inspector Walsh asked quietly.
'you were angry with Mrs Clarkson'

‘我知道我们相互间时不时都见过了’他接着说‘我很抱歉,过了一年我才来介绍我自己。我是Chester Duncan,bryce的外公。我知道你,你是juli baker。’

When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do

JessiFly 发表于 2018-7-30 11:21:23

"Of course,"Roger said,then left.
Sergeant Foster waited behind the door.He was a tall young person with black hair and charming smile.He often played tennis at Sunday morning so he was unhappy this morning.He was a best player of Cambridge Tennis Club.Albert came in and sat down.
"Mr King,I'm going to ask you some questions,"the detecitive said,
"Sergeant Foster will record what you said."
Albert looked at his feet."All right,right.it's your work.I know."
"Tell me about last night."Detecitive Walsh asked quietly.
"You were angry with Mrs Clarkson."



sukie 发表于 2018-7-30 16:44:28

“我知道我们之前就互相看见过了。”他说道。“我很抱歉过了一年我才来介绍我自己。我叫Chester Dunca,是Bryce的外公。你应该就是julianna Baker了。”
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