破渔网兜兜 发表于 2018-8-10 09:09:59


翻译答案:Inspector Walsh moved a pencil on the table.
'Tell me, what happened upstairs? You went to your mother's room?'
'Yes, I did. I wanted to say goodnight to my mother.'
'Did you talk about the house again?'
'Yes, I did. Again, she said no. She loved the house and didn't want to sell it.'
Inspector Walsh watched Roger for a minute. 'I see. We found the empty bottle of sleeping tablets, Mr Clarkson, in Diane's room.'
Roger's face did not change. 'Oh? Someone put them there. Diane did not kill my mother, I know that. She found the body.'
'Very well. I would like to see Diane next.'
Roger got up and left the room.
读完一本书原文:Until recently I'd have said with absolute certainty that he was greater—far greater—than the sum of his parts. What he did to my heart was sheer,
inexplicable magic. But inexplicable was the operative word here. And as I looked across the room at him during math, I couldn't help feeling crushed all over again about how he'd thrown out my eggs. What kind of person would do that?
Then he looked my way and smiled, and my heart lurched. But I was mad at myself for it. How could I still feel this way after what he'd done?
I avoided him the rest of the day, but by the end of school there was a tornado inside me, tearing me up from one end to the other. I jumped on my bike and rode home faster than I ever had before. The right pedal clanked against the chain guard, and the whole bike rattled and squeaked, threatening to collapse into a pile of rusty parts.翻译答案:直到不久前,我都坚定地认为,他大于--远远大于--他的部分之和。他对我来说,是个完全无法用语言描述的奇迹。可是,这里的关键在于“无法用语言描述”。当我在数学课上望着教室那头的他,就不由自主地想起他如何扔掉我的鸡蛋,再次陷入崩溃。他怎么能做出这种事?然后,他看到我,露出了笑容,我又不那么确定自己的感觉了。我开始生自己的气。为什么在他做出那么过分的事之后,我对他还有这种感觉?



Above us all the stars are watching. There's no place I'd rather be in this world.

JessiFly 发表于 2018-8-10 10:05:19

Inspector Walsh stood up and put his hands into the pockets.He went to the window and looked at the trees outside.Why was Roger Clarkson so afraid?Is it important?He looked at Sergeant Foster.
"The next morning,go to Mr Clarkson's office——you know his name."He said."Question him about his situation,work,friends and money."
Sergeant Foster recorded it down."Yes,sir."
"It's a good day for tennis,Sergeant?"
Sergeant Foster smiled."Don't say that,you know,this weather is not easy to meet.I don't like to sit here and look the sun."
Diane went into the room and sat down,she looked at Sergeant Foster and smiled to him."I think,last month I saw you at the Tennis Club,you played well."



克里斯保罗 发表于 2018-8-10 13:58:29

Inspector Walson got up and put this hand into his packet.He went to the windows and sew the trees outside.Why Roger Clarkson was scared.Is it important to him?He watched Mr.Fox.
'Tommorw moring,Come to Mr.Clarkson's office,you know his name.'he said.'asking questions about his condition,work,friends,money.'
Mr.Fox wrote the point.'Yes,sir.'
'It's good day to play tennis,sir?'
Mr.Fox smiled and said.'Don't say that,you know,this weather is no easy to see.I don't want to set here and watch the sun.'
Diane came to the room and set down,she looked Mr.Fox way and smiled,'I think,I met you at the club,you played very good'



zlj19931010 发表于 2018-8-10 17:34:09

Inspector Walsh stood up and put his hand into pocket.
he went to the window and looked at the tree outside.
why would Roger clarkson be afraid?does that matter?he looked at Sergeant foster.
'going to Mr clarkson's office tomorrow morning, you know his name.'he said.
'to ask something about his situation,work,friend and money.'
Sergeant foster recorded it and said'Yes, Sir'
'is it the good day for tennis,Sir?'Sergeant foster laughed.
'Stop saying that,you know,this kind of weather is hard-won.i would not like to stay here to look at the sun'
Diana went into the room and sat down.she looked at Sergeant foster and smiled'i think i have seen you at tennis club last month.
you are really well in tennis.'

因此我把骑自行车的力量用到了画画上。我撬开了我爸爸买给我的Navajo White颜料,开始一顿乱画。

Above us all the stars are watching. There's no place I'd rather be in this world.
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