破渔网兜兜 发表于 2018-8-13 09:02:23


翻译原文:沃尔什探长站起来把手放进口袋。他走到窗前看着外边树。为什么罗杰·克拉克森会害怕?这重要吗?他看着福斯特 警 官。
福斯特 警 官记了下来。“好的,探长。”
“打网球的好天气,警 官?”
福斯特 警 官笑道。“别说这个,你知道,这种天气可不容易遇到。我不喜欢坐在这儿看太阳。”
黛安娜走进房间坐下来,她看着福斯特 警 官并冲他笑。“我想,我上个月在网球俱乐部见过你,你打得很棒。”
翻译答案:Inspector Walsh stood up and put his hands in his pockets. He went to the window and looked out at the trees. Why was Roger Clarkson afraid? Was it important? He looked at Sergeant Foster.
'Tomorrow morning, go to Mr Clarkson's office —you have the name,' he said. 'Ask some questions about him, about his job, friends, money.'
Sergeant Foster wrote it down. 'Yes, Inspector.'
'A good day for tennis, Sergeant?'
Sergeant Foster laughed. 'Don't say that. It's not easy, you know. I don't like sitting here looking at the sun.'
Diane came into the room and sat down. She looked at Sergeant Foster and smiled. 'I saw you at the Tennis Club last month, I think. You play very well.'

The tornado, however, was still going strong when I skidded to a halt in our driveway. So I transferred pedal power into painting power. I pried open the gallon of Navajo White my dad had bought me and started slopping paint around. Chet appeared about ten minutes later. “My,” he laughed, “you've got an enviable amount of energy today, don't you?”
“No,” I said, brushing back some hair with the back of my hand, “I'm just mad.”
He produced his own brush and an empty coffee can. “Uhoh. Who at?”
“Oh, that's a tough one. Did you do poorly on a test?”
“No! I …” I turned to him and said, “How did you fall in love with your wife?”
He poured some Navajo White into his can and smiled. “Ah,” he said. “Boy problems.”
“I do not have boy problems!”



Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.

JessiFly 发表于 2018-8-13 10:13:34

Sergeant Foster's face became red.Inspector Walsh watched him.
"Oh,yes.The fierce and excited player was Sergeant Foster."
Diane looked at Sergeant Foster and smiled again,his face became more red.
"Well,Miss Clarkson,"Inspector Walsh said.
"I want to talk about last night."
Diane didn't smile."Oh,I can talk about last night,I will talk certainly.We were all angry.My mother went to the bed early and I gave a cup of hot milk to her.We all stayed in the kitchen,then Peter Hobbs came in,he almost broke down the back door."Diane stopped.
"Then what happened?"
"He was very angry with the letter,he wanted to kill my mother.Will you talk with him?"



zlj19931010 发表于 2018-8-14 20:00:56

Sergeant foster's face became red.Inspector Walsh looked at him.
'oh,yes.he is just the player who played intensely and excitedly'
Diana smiled at Sergeant foster again,so his face became redder.
'ok,Miss clarkson,'Inspector Walsh said.
'i want to talk about the thing of last night with you.'.
Diana stopped smiling.'oh,i would talk about it.i do want to talk.we are all angry.
mother went to bed early.then i brought her a glass of milk.we are all in the kitchen,later Peter hobbs came in.
he almost cracked down the back door.'Diana stopped talking.
'and then?'
'he was vary angry with the letter.he wanted to kill mother.would you talk to him?'


Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.

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