破渔网兜兜 发表于 2018-8-15 09:04:07


翻译答案:'We're going to talk to everyone.'
'Good. Tom Briggs came into the kitchen, too. Are you going to talk to him?'
'I'm asking the questions, Miss Clarkson. When did you take the milk upstairs?'
'I went up after Roger.' She stopped for a minute. Then she began again. 'I didn't like my mother, Inspector. She killed my father, you know. Last winter, after Christmas, she drove the car into
a tree and killed my father.'
Inspector Walsh watched Diane's face carefully. 'I see. So you wanted to kill your mother?'
Diane laughed. 'I wanted to kill her, but I didn't. I can tell you a lot of things about this family,
Inspector. Everyone wanted Mother to die. Uncle Albert wanted her money for his wife, Annie. And then my brother. He needs a lot of money. He has an expensive house and an expensive car. And think of Jackie. Do you know that Jackie didn't like Mother? A long time ago, a nice boy worked here.
He was the gardener. Jackie loved him very much, but Mother said no. A gardener was not a good husband for a Clarkson girl!'
We were quiet a minute, but I could see Chet thinking. And from the furrow in his brow, I knew it had nothing to do with my problems. “I'm … I'm sorry I brought up your wife,” I said.
“Oh, don't be, that's all right.” He shook his head and tried on a smile. “Besides, I wasn't thinking of Renée. I was thinking of someone else.
Someone who's never been able to look beneath the surface. At this point I don't suppose I even want her to.”
Who was he talking about? I wanted to know! But I felt it would be crossing some line to ask, so we painted pickets in silence. At last he turned to me and said, “Get beyond his eyes and his smile and the sheen of his hair—look at what's really there.”
The way he said it sent a chill through me. It was as though he knew. And suddenly I felt defensive. Was he telling me his grandson wasn't worth it?



When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.

zlj19931010 发表于 2018-8-15 11:06:33

Inspector Walsh listened quietly.it is interesting,but do it matter?Maybe.
what a happy family The clarkson family is!
'we found the Sleeping bottle in your room.'Inspector Walsh said quietly and looked at her face carefully.
Diana stand up suddenly with a face of anger.'what?i didn't put it there!i don't want to listen this!'
she ran out of the room.
'well,well,well.'Inspector Walsh said.'she likes you,police,you have to be careful'
Sergeant foster smiled,but his face got red again.
'someone put sleeping pill into the hot milk'Inspector said.'everyone was all in the kitchen.
Pierre Hobbes and Tom briggs were there.the one of them killed Molly.'


When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind

JessiFly 发表于 2018-8-15 13:19:29

Inpector Walsh listened quietly. It's all interesting, but is it important? Maybe it is. Clarkson's family is what a happy family!
"We found the empty bottle of slepping tablets in your room," Inpector Walsh said quietly, he watched her face carefully.
Diane suddenly stood up, she looked very angry. "What? I didn't put it there! I don't want to listen this!" She ran out of the room.
"Well, well, well," Inspector Walsh said. "She likes you, Sergeant, be careful."
Sergeant Foster laughed, but his face went red again.
"Someone put the sleeping tablets into Molly's hot milk," Inspector said. "All were in the kitchen last night. Peter Hobbs and Tom Briggs were also there. Someone of them killed Molly."


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