破渔网兜兜 发表于 2018-10-9 08:58:21


翻译答案:But I did not love him now. I remembered the night when Riccio died.So I smiled and said,‘Good night,Henry.Be a man now.don't be afraid of the dark.'
  Then I went downstairs with Lord Both well. Outside the house, we met one of Both well's men.He looked afraid, and there was something black on his face and hands.
  ‘Jesus, man,how dirty you are!'I said.‘Don't come near me with those hands.'
  ‘No, my lady, of course not,'he said. He looked at Both-well for a minute, and then ran away quickly.I laughed, got on my horse, and forgot about it.
  I tell you before God, James,I did not kill your father.It was not me. I knew nothing about it—nothing!
  I sang and danced in town, and then went to bed in Edinburgh Castle.Then, at two o'clock in the morning, there was a sudden noise—a very big BANG! Everybody heard it all through the town.
  ‘My God!'Isaid.‘What's that?'
  Everyone ran out of their rooms.Lord Both well was down-stairs.‘Don't be afraid, ladies,'he said.‘My men are out-side—they're going to see what it is.'

Which is why I'm here.” He held up the grocery sack and whispered, “I've brought him a little gift.”
“Gwa-aaal,” she said. “How'd you know?”
She gurgled at him until he patted her hand and said, “I'm much too predictable, I'm afraid.
But he enjoys them, and…” He noticed her gaze shift in my direction.
“Hoo haa,” she said.
“This is my daughter, Julianna. Julianna, I'd like you to meet the extraordinary Miss Mabel. She can remember everyone's birthday, and she has a real passion for strawberry milkshakes.”
I managed a smile and whispered, “Nice to meet you,” but all I got in return was a suspicious scowl.
“Well, we're off to David's,” my father said, then shook the bag. “Don't spill the beans if he happens by.”



The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

JessiFly 发表于 2018-10-9 10:47:54

One hour later, he came to see me. "Sit down, please, my lady," he said. "I have something sad to tell you."
"OK, my lord, what is it?"
"It's your husband, King Darnley. He's dead."
"But—— how could? How he died? Who killed him?"
"I don't know, my lady. That big noise—— it was from his house, Kirk Orfield. It's already not there."
"What? But is Darnley inside?"
"Oh, he's not, my lady," Bothwell said slowly.
"My men found him in the garden not in the house. He wore nightclothes, with no blood on his body. But he's dead. I'm very sad."
"Bring me there! I want to see him—— now!"
"Well, my lady."



zlj19931010 发表于 2018-10-10 18:18:34

he came to see me in an hour.'sit down please,my lady'he said.
'i have something bad to tell you.'
'well,my lord,what is that?'
'it is about your husband,Prince darnley.he is dead.'
'but-how?how did he die?who did kill him?'
'i do not know,my lady.that sound-is come from his house,Kirk o 'field.it is not exist.'
'what?darnley is in the inside?'
'oh,he wasn't,my lady,'Bosch said slowly.
'my people found him in the garden instead of house.He was wearing only pajamas with on blood.
and he was dead.i am sorry.'
"take me there!i want to see him-now!"
'ok,my lady'

他的脸看起来蓬松苍白的。但是他投进了我爸爸的环抱然后哭着说‘wobbad!yaw heew!’

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
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