破渔网兜兜 发表于 2018-11-30 08:57:48


翻译答案:The first night in the attic was very long. Sara did not sleep. "Father is dead," she whispered, again and again. "Father is dead. I'm never going to see him again."
The next morning Sara's new life began. She learnt to clean floors and to make fires. She ran upstairs and downstairs, and she worked in the kitchen.
The cook was a big woman with a red, angry face. "So," she said, "the little rich girl with the diamond mines is now a servant, eh?" She looked at Sara. "Now, I'm making apple pies this morning. Run down to the shops and get me some apple. And be quick!"

My mom kicks him again, but Dad turns on her and says, “Stop it, would you? I'm just curious!”
Matt-or-Mike says, “It's cool, Mrs. Loski.” He smiles at my dad and says, “We kept cruising the Internet and the trades looking for a deal.
Everyone's blowing out their old analog gear for digital because that's the move everyone else has made. Digital, if you want to know our opinion, is
weak. You lose too much of the waveform. There's not enough fat to it, and obviously we like it beefy.”
My granddad puts up a finger and says, “But a CD's digital, so…”
“Exactly, but that is the last and only step we'll compromise on. It's just a necessity of being part of the industry. Everyone wants CDs. But the multitrack and the mixdown to two-track is analog. And we could afford it, Mr. Loski, because we got used gear and we've been saving up our pennies since we were twelve years old.” He grins and says, “You still play? We could, you know, lay down some of your tunes if you want.”


A room without books is like a body without a soul.

JessiFly 发表于 2018-11-30 12:25:50

So Sara ran to the store and brought a big bag of apple. Then she cleaned up the floor in the kitchen, and brought the hot water to the restroom. She worked day and night, and worked in the school.
"You speak French well, Miss Minchin said to her coldly, so you can teach the children French. But you are just a servant, don't forget it."
Sara's first month in her new life was very hard. She often felt tired and hungry, she didn't cry at all. In the dark night, in the small attic room, she reminded her father who died in India across thouands of miles.
"I must be brave, " she said, "Dad always wanted me to be a brave girl. And I have a bed to sleep, and something to eat, many people don't have these."

zlj19931010 发表于 2018-11-30 17:52:54

本帖最后由 zlj19931010 于 2018-12-1 18:56 编辑

so Sara ran to shop and brought back a big bag of apples.
Then she mopped the kitchen floor and gave hot water to the rooms upstairs.
she works from morning to night every day,still helping out at school.
'Your French isn't too bad'Miss minchin said coldly.'so you can teach children French.
but you are just a servant,don't forget this.'
the first month of Sara's new life was very hard.she always felt tired and hungry,
but she had never cried.When Darkness Fall,she sat in the little room in the attic and
thought of that her father had died thousands of miles away in India.
'i must get brave.'she said.'father always hope me be brave.and i have a bed every day,have something to eat,
a lot of people don't have those.'


A room without books is like a body without a soul.

JessiFly 发表于 2018-11-30 21:04:37


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