破渔网兜兜 发表于 2019-1-8 08:50:04


本帖最后由 破渔网兜兜 于 2019-1-8 09:38 编辑

翻译答案:“A friend does it," Sara said. " A kind, wonderful friend. But he doesn't want us to know his name."
They began to look at one of the new books, and then Becky looked up.
'Oh, Miss,' she whispered. 'There's something at the window. What is it?"
Sara got up to look. "It's the monkey!" she said. "The monkey from next door." She opened the window, and the monkey jumped down into her arms. "Oh, you poor little thing," Sara said. " You're so cold!"
Becky was very interested. "I never saw a monkey before," she said. "He's not very beautiful, Miss! What are you going to do with him?"
"It's very late now," said Sara. "He can stay in my room tonight, and I can take him home in the morning."

读完一本书原文:Instead, they're all flattered that their son's been elected a basket boy.
Yes, my friend, that's what they call you. Over the P.A. you hear stuff like, “There will be an organizational meeting of the newly elected basket boys in the MPR at lunch today. All basket boys must attend.”
Pretty soon you've completely lost your name. You and nineteen other saps are known simply as Basket Boy.
My mom, of course, was into it, coming up with all sorts of stuff to put in my basket so I'd get the highest bid. I tried to explain that I didn't want to be in Mayfield Junior High's Basket Boy Hall of Fame, and that really, what was in the basket didn't matter. It wasn't like girls were bidding on the basket. When you got right down to it, this was a meat market.
“You eat lunch on campus and that's the end of it. It is hardly a meat market, Bryce. It's an honor! Besides, maybe someone really nice will bid on you and you'll make a new friend!” Mothers can be in such denial.


Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving; we get stronger and more resilient.

zlj19931010 发表于 2019-1-8 14:54:28

the next morning,the first one who came to the next door was Mr Carmichael.
he has just returned from Russia.but he looked very sad when he came into the room.
Mr. Carlisford know answer right away.
'don't you find her,do you?'he said.
'i found her,'Mr Carmichael said.'but she is not the one we are going to find.
her name is Emily karrou,she is younger than Ralph crewe's daughter many years.i am sorry.'
'we have to find again.'Mr Carlisford said sadly.'where to find?it's been two years,two years!'

然后garrett弯下身在我耳边说shelly stalls和mitch michaelson分手了,而且她和miranda humes以及
jenny atkinson展开了对你的竞价争斗。‘老兄’他告诉我。“学校里最火辣的两个妹子。而且我发誓,
shell 甩掉mitch就是因为你。我是直接听shagreer说的,老兄,shagreer亲耳听到的。”

Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving; we get stronger and more resilient.

张丫彦丫楚 发表于 2019-1-8 16:54:28

The next morning, Mr.Carl Michael came to thehouse next door firstly. He just went back from Russia, but with the sad face, he went in the house. Mr. Carice Fort knew the answer immediately.
"You didn't find her, did you?" he said.
"yes,I did,"Mr.Carl Michael said."but she wasn't the girl we were looking for. Her name is Emily Carew Ralph, but Carew's daughter is much younger than her. I am so sorry "
"We have to start it over,"Mr. Carice Fort depressedly said,"but where to find her? It' has been 2 years, 2 years "

接着 Garrett一直在跟我说SS和MM两个人分手了,MH和JA两个人开始因为我竞价比赛。“兄弟!”他说“这可是学校最靓的两个妞儿啊,我向你保证,S就是因为你才甩了M的,这件事我直接从Shagreer那里听说的,你知道的,Shagreer知道所有的事情”

JessiFly 发表于 2019-1-8 18:23:30

The next morning, the first man who came to the next house was Mr Carl Micheal, he came back from Russia recently. But he was very sad when he went into the room. Mr Carrisford knew the answer at right.
"Don't you find her?" He said.
"I find her," Mr Carl Micheal said, "but she was not the girl to find. The girl was called Emily Carew Biralf. Crew's daughter was younger. I'm very sorry."
"We must find her again," Mr Carrisford said sadly, "but where to look for? It's two years, two years!"


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