破渔网兜兜 发表于 2019-1-16 09:03:41


翻译答案:“And all the time," she said later to Mr Carrisford, when they sat by his fire, " I was in the house next door."
Tom Carrisford took her hand. "Yes," he said. "And you're never going back there. Your home is with me now. I'm going to take care of Ralph's Little Missus."
Sara laughed, happily. "And you were the friend, too. All those beautiful things in my attic came from you--you and Ram Dass. Becky and I thought it was magic!"
读完一本书原文:and by the time she's got us all organized and is sure we know what to do and what not to do, we've missed all of first and most of second period. “Okay, gentlemen,” she says.
“Leave your baskets where they are and go to… where are we now? Still in second?” She looks at the clock. “Right. Second.”
“What about passes?” some sensible basket boy asked.
“Your teachers have a list. But if they say anything, tell them I say your neckties are your passes. I'll meet you back here when everyone's dismissed for the auction. Got it? Don't dawdle!”
We grumbled, Yeah, yeah, and headed to class. And I can tell you this, not one of the twenty of us listened to a word any of our teachers said that
morning. How can you listen with a noose around your neck, pinched toes, and a room full of idiots thinking it's open season on basket boys?
Whoever started this stupid tradition ought to be crammed into a basket and tossed downstream without a serving spoon.


People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously.

JessiFly 发表于 2019-1-16 12:39:10

The Indian gentleman smiled to her. "We are sad for you," he said, "Ram Dass moves lightly, he climbed over the roof and took things there when you are away. I couldn't find Ralf's daughter, but I want to help others. Then Ram Dass told me the story of the sad and lonely little girl servant in the next attric."
Everyone was happy for the end of the story——except Miss Minchin. Sara was very rich again now, Miss Minchin wanted her to go to school. She went and looked for Mr Carrisford, but he talked with her angrily, so she went away with red face.



zlj19931010 发表于 2019-1-20 13:11:31

The Indian gentleman smiled forward her.'we feel sorry for you.'he said
'Ram das did it lightly,he turned over the roof to give you something when you were not in.
i could not find Ralph's daughter,but i want to help others.then Ram das told me that there was a
sad,longly little maid next door.'
the end of this stroy is happy for everyone-except Mrs Minqin.Now Sara is rich again,
Mrs minqin want her to go back school.she went to see Mr. Carlisford,but he was very angry and said a lot
to her,letting her go with a red face.

Tim Pello是5号篮子男孩,实际上是他妈妈竞拍了他。没有开玩笑。她跳上跳下,大叫‘20!给你20!’老兄,
那一定会在往后的生活中留下烙印。幸运的是,Kelly Trott竞价22.5元,替他保留了他那永远的妈妈男孩的耻辱。

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously.
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