破渔网兜兜 发表于 2019-1-24 09:02:25


翻译答案:He turned to a tall man, who was standing in the corner. She smiled at me with friendly brown eyes. "So this is Lady Evans," I thought. "What a nice face she has! She looks like a farmer's wife."
I was not afraid any more. I sat down and opened my notebook.
"Tell me about yourself, please, Sir Anthony. Did you come from a muscial family? Did you start to learn the piano when you were three, Like Mozart?"
The famous pianist smiled. "No, no, my dear. I am the first musician in my family. And I was fourteen years old before I touched a piano for the first time." He saw the surprise on my face. "We have a little time before my concert. I'll tell you my story."

“Sixty-two!” calls Shelly.
Miranda scrambles around trying to beg money off her friends as Mrs. McClure calls, “Going once!” But then Jenny stands up and bellows, “A hundred!”
A hundred. There's a collective gasp, and then the entire student body turns and stares at Jenny.
“Well!” laughs Mrs. McClure. “We have a hundred! That is certainly an all-time record. And such a generous donation to the Boosters!”
I wanted to boost her, right off the stage. I was doomed. This was something I would never live down.
Then there's this big commotion, and all of a sudden Shelly and Miranda are standing right next to each other calling, “One-twenty-two… fifty!
We'll give you one-twenty-two fifty!”
“One hundred twenty-two dollars and fifty cents?”


Feel the fear and do it anyway.

JessiFly 发表于 2019-1-24 12:34:20

"It's an unbelievable story, but every word is true. That is, I left school from 13 years old. At that time they called me Tony. I worked in a farm..."
He told an exciting story in detail. At firt, I tried to write his every word on my notebook. But, while listening, the pen dropped down from my hand, I was just listening to his story. I was in the wonderful story of Sir Anthony. He told me there was an old school in a tall wall of a dirty small street, broken glass in the wall, and narrow school yard. When he told story, a picture appeared in my mind: a boy called Tony Evans, played an old can as a soccer.



避孕套特大号 发表于 2019-1-24 23:26:52

"This is a incredible story,but every word of it is true. Here is the thing,I left school when I was thirteen years old.Everybody call me Tony.I worked in a farm..."
He told me an exciting story slowly.At first,I tried to take notes on every word he said.However,my pen fall from my hand while listhening,I just listen for him attentively. I immersed in SirAnthony's fantastic story.
He told me about a dirty alley,the wall of it is so high and an old school is located in the wall,so much broken glass embedded in the top of the wall,and the yard is small.During his talking,a picture arised in my mind like this:A little whose name is Tony.Avans is kicking an old can...

zlj19931010 发表于 2019-1-27 17:14:22

"it is a Incredible story,but it is true.i left school when i was 13.they called me Tony in that time.i worked in a farm."
He told an exciting story very eloquently.at first,i tried wrote down every word he told.
but then,listen and listen,the pen slipped out of my hand,i just listened to him carefully.
I was immersed in that wonderful story of Sir Anthony.he told me that there was a old school inside a dirty alley,
Broken glass was stuck in the wall,and the school was very small.
i thought of a image in my mind when he was telling:a boy named Tony Evans,kicking a old can as a football....

他后来没有靠近过我。他被Terry Norris以16的价格竞拍了,其他剩下的人中最多的是40美元。

Feel the fear and do it anyway.
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