破渔网兜兜 发表于 2019-1-28 08:53:48


本帖最后由 破渔网兜兜 于 2019-1-29 08:35 编辑

翻译答案:A Poor Boy
The teacher's name was Mr Grey. He was grey, like his name: he was old and tired. Everything about him was grey: grey suit, grey shirt, grey hair and a long, thin, grey face. When he smiled the children saw his long, grey teeth. But he did not often smile. Mr Grey did not enjoy his job. He did not like children.
'Why does he work here?' one of the children asked one day. ' He doesn't like us.'
'But he likes the long school holiday!' said Tony. The other children laughed. They thought that was a very clever answer.
读完一本书原文:I felt wiped out.
My mom came up and gave me a hug and a kiss like I'd won a gold medal or something, then whispered, “My little baby,” and clickity-clicked off in her high heels, back to work.
So I was wiped out, embarrassed, and then practically dragged to the multi-purpose room by Shelly and Miranda.
The Boosters had outfitted the MPR with little tables for two, all decorated in shades of pink and blue and yellow, with balloons and streamers everywhere. I felt like the Easter bunny with my stupid basket boy lunch clutched in both
hands while Miranda held on to one arm and Shelly latched on to the other.
They gave us the biggest table and whisked in an extra chair, and when everyone was seated, Mrs. McClure said, “Boys and girls? I don't think I need to remind you that you are excused from class for the rest of the day. Enjoy your
lunches, enjoy your friendships…. Take your time, relax, and thanks again for supporting your Boosters. We wouldn't be us without you!”


We live in the world when we love it.

JessiFly 发表于 2019-1-28 12:31:55

But Tony was not a clever boy. He was tall, slow, and had little words. He didn't like listening, and always sat on his seat and waited as usual, for 4 o'clock, he could go home.
But, the morning of Tuesday was different, because it was the singing day. Every Tuesday morning, an old woman called Mrs Lak was going to came to the school, she played piano, and the children singed. Her playing was not good, but she liked the children, and liked the work. She could play many songs.



避孕套特大号 发表于 2019-1-29 13:39:21

Howere,Tony wasn't an clever boy.He was tall 、slowly and quiet.He didn't like listen to the lecture,he always sit on his own seat and wait quietly,untill four o'lock he could go home.
But,it is different as the Tuesday morning as it's day to sing.Every Tuesday morning,an old lady who we call Mrs.Laquer would came to school,she played piano and the children sang.She was not expert in playing piano,but she like the children,of course this job.The melodies she can paly is too much.

zlj19931010 发表于 2019-1-30 09:27:18

But,Tony was not a clever boy.He was tall and blunt,without many words.He didn’t like listening to a talk.
He usually sat on his seat and waited.He could go back home until four o’clock.
But Tuesday morning was different,because it was the day to sing.Every morning on Tuesday,
A old women called Mrs Lack would come to school.She would play piano while children was singing.She played piano not very well,but she liked the children and liked this job too.She could play so many melodies.

我的意思是,虽然这两个女生表面上看上去光鲜亮丽,但是从她们口中说出的关于巨型Jenny的评论可是相当的丑陋。Miranda 大声地说“她到底在想些什么?好像你有想过要和她一起出去一样的,对不对Bryce?”
Miranda先开始说话了。“我们会乘游艇去Mexican Riviera。我们计划在所有很酷的码头停靠然后购物,吃饭。”她拍拍她的眼皮对我说“我可以给你带点东西......”

We live in the world when we love it.

xjtu_wong 发表于 2019-2-13 17:43:34

However, Tony is not a smart kid. He has a Hulk-like body, but he acts slowly. And he barely talks. He hates listening to the class, he just sit still in his seat and wait for the clock move to 4, then he is allow to go home.
But in the morning of Tuesday, things are different. Because it is the day everybody singing. Every Tuesday morning, a old lady so called Lark will come to the school,she will play the piano while the kids are singing. Although she does not play it well, she love those kids and she loves this job. She can play so many tunes.
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