破渔网兜兜 发表于 2019-5-15 08:54:00


本帖最后由 破渔网兜兜 于 2019-5-16 08:32 编辑

翻译答案:"You've won!" shouted Mrs Wood. "Forget about your feet, boy - you've won the competition! This is the most important night in your life!"
But Anthony was too tired to answer. They helped him up to bed, and he slept until nine o'clock the next morning.
Linda brought him breakfast in bed. He felt very strange and uncomfortable. "I've never had breakfast in bed before," he told her.
读完一本书原文:I know he's home because he looks out his window from time to time. A little while ago he put his hand up and waved. And I couldn't help it—I gave a little wave back.
So maybe I should go over there and thank him for the tree. Maybe we could sit on the porch and talk. It just occurred to me that in all the years we've known each other, we've never done that.
Never really talked.
Maybe my mother's right. Maybe there is more to Bryce Loski than I know.
Maybe it's time to meet him in the proper light.
也许妈妈是对的。也许我对布莱斯.罗斯基了解得还不够深。   翻译篇(每次翻译的量都不会很大,全部翻译才有奖励哦)

In every person who comes near you look for what is good and strong.

Ruide 发表于 2019-5-15 09:35:14

Maybe it's time to meet him in the proper light.

JessiFly 发表于 2019-5-15 20:16:34

The end of the story
Sir Anothony Evans turned back to me. "To me, the competition is the start of all the beautiful things." He said, "I went to the music college for three years. Of course I learned very hard, but I was happy at every time. During every vacation, I always went back to the farm. In the summer holiday of my 20 years old, I asked Linda Wood an important question. 'Linda, I can't give you much now,' tell her, 'but I will be successful one day. At that time, I will be back here, please marry me.' She looked at me soulfully for a long while, then smiled. 'Oh, Anthony,' she said, 'don't wait for your successful time, do it just now!' So I propose to her—— that's it!"



zlj19931010 发表于 2019-5-19 22:27:37

Anthony Evans turned to me.'for me,that game was the beginning of all things bright and beautiful.'
he said.'i went to music college for three years.of course,i learned very hard,but i enjoied every moment.
i would back to farm each holiday.i asked Linda a question in the summer vocation when i was twenty years old. '
'Linda,now i can not give you too much' to tell her,'but someday i will be success.
i will go back here and please marry me that time.'she looked at me lovingly for a long time,then she smiled.
'oh,Anthony,'she said.'don't have to wait to your success,just fine now!'
so asked her to marry me.--that all.

在Privet Drive路上四号住着Dursley先生和夫人,骄傲得宣布他们完全是普通人,非常感谢你。

In every person who comes near you look for what is good and strong.

元豪 发表于 2022-9-20 18:48:31

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