发表于 2019-5-15 20:16:34
The end of the story
Sir Anothony Evans turned back to me. "To me, the competition is the start of all the beautiful things." He said, "I went to the music college for three years. Of course I learned very hard, but I was happy at every time. During every vacation, I always went back to the farm. In the summer holiday of my 20 years old, I asked Linda Wood an important question. 'Linda, I can't give you much now,' tell her, 'but I will be successful one day. At that time, I will be back here, please marry me.' She looked at me soulfully for a long while, then smiled. 'Oh, Anthony,' she said, 'don't wait for your successful time, do it just now!' So I propose to her—— that's it!"
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