Number RotationsConsider the number 142857. We can right-rotate this number by moving the last digit (7) to the front of it, giving us 714285.
It can be verified that 714285=5×142857.
This demonstrates an unusual property of 142857: it is a divisor of its right-rotation.
Find the last 5 digits of the sum of all integers n, 10 < n < 10100, that have this property.
请观察 142857 这个数字,我们可以对这个数字进行右移,即把最后的 7 放到最前面,然后得到 714285。可以看到 714285=5×142857
这个表明了 142857 一个不同非常的性质:它是它右移一位后的数字的一个除数。
请给出在 10 到 10100 之间,具有这个性质的所有数字之和的最后五位。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <mpirxx.h>//应用了大数库mpir
using namespace std;
int main(void)
mpz_class nS = 0;
for (int n = 1; n <= 99; ++n)//枚举A的位数
mpz_class z;
mpz_ui_pow_ui(z.get_mpz_t(), 10, n);
for (int k = 1; k <= 9; ++k)//枚举倍数
mpz_class z1 = z - k;
mpz_class z2 = 10;
z2 = z2 * k - 1;
for (int B = 1; B <= 9; ++B)//枚举个位数
mpz_class z3 = z1 * B;
if (z3 % z2 == 0)
z3 = z3 / z2;
string s = z3.get_str(10);
if (s.length() == n)
z3 = z3 * 10 + B;
nS += z3;
nS %= 100000;
cout << nS << endl;
return 0;