欧拉计划 发表于 2017-1-5 16:50:42


Four Representations using Squares

Consider the number 3600. It is very special, because

                3600 = 482 +   362

                3600 = 202 + 2×402

                3600 = 302 + 3×302

                3600 = 452 + 7×152

Similarly, we find that 88201 = 992 + 2802 = 2872 + 2×542 = 2832 + 3×522 = 1972 + 7×842.

In 1747, Euler proved which numbers are representable as a sum of two squares. We are interested in the numbers n which admit representations of all of the following four types:

                n = a12 +   b12

                n = a22 + 2 b22

                n = a32 + 3 b32

                n = a72 + 7 b72,

where the ak and bk are positive integers.

There are 75373 such numbers that do not exceed 107.
How many such numbers are there that do not exceed 2×109?


考虑数字 3600,它非常特别,因为

                3600 = 482 +   362

                3600 = 202 + 2×402

                3600 = 302 + 3×302

                3600 = 452 + 7×152

类似的,我们发现 88201 = 992 + 2802 = 2872 + 2×542 = 2832 + 3×522 = 1972 + 7×842。

在 1747 年,欧拉证明哪些数能被表示为两个数的平方和。我们对能表示成下面 4 种形式的数字 n 感兴趣:

                n = a12 +   b12

                n = a22 + 2 b22

                n = a32 + 3 b32

                n = a72 + 7 b72

其中 ak 和 bk 为正整数。

不超过 107 有 75373 个这样的数字。
不超过 2×109 有多少个这样的数字呢?

永恒的蓝色梦想 发表于 2021-1-21 14:52:06

把20000*sqrt(5)以下的完全平方数全都求出来,然后建立4个集合,存储4种平方和数, 求交集

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查看完整版本: 题目229:4种平方表示