/*The user will be able to add names upto a maximum of 10 names by selecting the A option. The user will be able to print a list of the stored names, sorted in ascending order, by selecting the P option. The user will be able to search for a name in the array by selecting the F option. The program quits when the user selects the Q option.
Include in your program the following functions, using the provided prototypes.
void printNames(string[], int);
Accepts an array of strings and the index of the last used element as its only arguments. Prints out the contents of the used elements of the array.
void sortNames(string[], int);
Accepts an array of strings and the index of the last used element as its only arguments. Sorts the used elements of the array in ascending order. Does not interact with the user in any way(no cin or cout statements).
bool findName(string[], string, int);
Accepts an array of strings, the index of the last used element, and a target string as its only arguments. Search the array of strings for the target string. Returns true if found, false otherwise. Does not interact with the user in any way(no cin or cout statements).