struct LNode
int data;
struct LNode *next;
struct LNode* CreateList(int n);
void print(struct LNode* s);
int main()
struct LNode* Head = NULL;
int n;
printf("please input the num of data:");
scanf("%d", &n);
Head = CreateList(n);
print(Head); printf("\n");
return 0;
struct LNode * CreateList(int n)
struct LNode* pHead, *p, *q;//你想怎么定义链表头?
int i,a;
pHead =p=q= NULL;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
p = (struct LNode*) malloc(sizeof(struct LNode));//申请内存注意强制转换
if (!p) return NULL;
printf("please input the %d nun:", i);
scanf("%d", &(p->data));
if (pHead == NULL) {
pHead = p;
q = p;
else {
q->next = p;
q = p;
q->next = NULL;
return pHead;
void print(struct LNode* s)
struct LNode* p = s;
while (p != NULL)
printf("%d", p->data);
p = p->next;
稍做修改了 |