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本帖最后由 永恒的蓝色梦想 于 2020-8-16 10:25 编辑
π sequences
For every n≥1 the prime-counting function Π(n) is equal to the number of primes not exceeding n.
E.g. Π(6) = 3 and Π(100) = 25.
We say that a sequence of integers u = (u0, ..., um) is a Π sequence if
- un≥1 for every n
- un+1 = Π(un)
- u has two or more elements
For u0 = 10 there are three distinct Π sequences: (10,4), (10,4,2) and (10,4,2,1).
Let c(u) be the number of elements of u that are not prime.
Let p(n,k) be the number of Π sequences u for which u0≤n and c(u) = k.
Let P(n) be the product of all p(n,k) that are larger than 0.
You are given: P(10)=3×8×9×3=648 and P(100)=31038676032.
Find P(108). Give your answer modulo 1000000007.