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这个是cantera的一个事例,其中用到了import CompositionReader,求问CompositionReader怎么安装下载,我用pip失败了# Clint Dunn, cdunn6754@gmail.com, 07-5-17
# written in Python 3.6.1 on cantera 2.3.0
## Description
# A PSR combustor. Two separate streams - one coal volatiles and the other air, both at
# 300 K and 1 atm flow into an adiabatic and constant pressure
# combustor where they mix and burn.
# Writen so that we can write out a csv file for a particular combination of
# chemical mechanism and fuel composition. It writes these to the csv directory.
# The ppPsr.py script then reads these csv's and plots/ post processes them.
# From the original Cantera file starter thing that I kept:
# We are interested in the steady-state burning solution. Since at 300 K no
# reaction will occur between fuel and air, we need to use an 'igniter' to
# initiate the chemistry. A simple igniter is a pulsed flow of atomic hydrogen.
# After the igniter is turned off, the system approaches the steady burning
# solution.
# let me get at my utility functions
import sys
import os
import math
import csv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cantera as ct
import numpy as np
import CompositionReader as cr
## setup stuff
# user inputs
mechanism = 'drm'
fuel_name = 'heavy'
# Get the specified fuel compositions
fuel_dict = {'light':'light_fuel.txt',
composition = cr.read_compositions(fuel_dict[fuel_name])
# define the mechanism and gas
mech_dir = 'mechanisms/'
mechanism_dict = {'reduced':'r_creck_52.cti',
gas = ct.Solution(mech_dir + mechanism_dict[mechanism])
# ....................................................................#
## run the simulation
# create a reservoir for the fuel inlet, and set to pure methane.
gas.TPX = 300.0, ct.one_atm, composition
fuel_in = ct.Reservoir(gas)
fuel_mw = gas.mean_molecular_weight
# use predefined function Air() for the air inlet
air = ct.Solution('air.xml')
air_in = ct.Reservoir(air)
air_mw = air.mean_molecular_weight
# to ignite the fuel/air mixture, we'll introduce a pulse of radicals. The
# steady-state behavior is independent of how we do this, so we'll just use a
# stream of pure atomic hydrogen.
gas.TPX = 300.0, ct.one_atm, 'H:1.0'
igniter = ct.Reservoir(gas)
# create the combustor, and fill it in initially with N2
gas.TPX = 300.0, ct.one_atm, 'N2:1.0'
combustor = ct.IdealGasReactor(gas)
combustor.volume = 1.0
# create a reservoir for the exhaust
exhaust = ct.Reservoir(gas)
# adjust the ratio coming in
Z = 0.15
# compute fuel and air mass flow rates (light crashes at 2.5)
total_mdot = lambda t: 1 + (2.*t)**2.0
air_mdot = lambda t: total_mdot(t) * (1.0 -Z)
fuel_mdot = lambda t: total_mdot(t) * Z
# create and install the mass flow controllers. Controllers m1 and m2 provide
# constant mass flow rates, and m3 provides a short Gaussian pulse only to
# ignite the mixture
m1 = ct.MassFlowController(fuel_in, combustor, mdot=fuel_mdot)
# note that this connects two reactors with different reaction mechanisms and
# different numbers of species. Downstream and upstream species are matched by
# name.
m2 = ct.MassFlowController(air_in, combustor, mdot=air_mdot)
# The igniter will use a Gaussian time-dependent mass flow rate.
fwhm = 0.2
amplitude = 0.01
t0 = 0.5
igniter_mdot = lambda t: amplitude * math.exp(-(t-t0)**2 * 4 * math.log(2) / fwhm**2)
m3 = ct.MassFlowController(igniter, combustor, mdot=igniter_mdot)
# put a valve on the exhaust line to regulate the pressure
v = ct.Valve(combustor, exhaust, K=1.0)
# the simulation only contains one reactor
sim = ct.ReactorNet([combustor])
# take single steps to 6 s, writing the results to a CSV file for later
# plotting.
tfinal = 40.0
dt = 0.0001
times = np.arange(dt,tfinal,dt)
# data output arrays
states = ct.SolutionArray(gas, extra=['t', 'tres', 'fuel_mdot', 'Z'])
for i, time in enumerate(times):
tres = combustor.mass/(m1.mdot(time) + m2.mdot(time)) #v.mdot(time)
states.append(gas.state, t=time, tres=tres, fuel_mdot=m1.mdot(time), Z=Z)
csv_dir = 'csv_files/'
states.write_csv(csv_dir + fuel_name + '_' + mechanism + '_states.csv')